The British Royal Courts: The Invitus Game challenge - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The British Royal Courts: The Invitus Game challenge


Just like her subjects, the Queen of England definitely not lack of self-mockery. In a video posted Friday April 29th on social media, YouTube to Facebook via Twitter, Elizabeth II and her grand son Prince Harry falls sporting challenge of the Obama family, with no condescension for cousins US.

This short video promoting the Invictus Games, sports competition pitting came wounded soldiers around the world, including Harry, himself a veteran, is one of the organizers. The film forty seconds shows the prince telling her grandmother the exploits of these games, when he receives a video message.

This is FLOTUS and POTUS, acronyms of the First Lady (First Lady Of The United States) and US President (President Of The United States.): "Hey, Prince Harry you remember you had asked us to give everything during Invictus Game ", launches the First lady, before the President of the United States, standing at his side, adds, falsely threatening"? Beware of what can happen. "

Behind the presidential couple, retired generals make faces and signs Challenge. And Queen shrugged, playing one that is not impressed, throwing with a big smile: "Really, please ..." Harry turned to the camera, with embarrassment for her true-false opponents. Obama has just been "broken" by Queen.

This amusing video of the queen is reminiscent of the opening of the London Olympic Games in 2012 in which James Bond (actor Daniel Craig) had sought Elizabeth II to take him to the helicopter ceremony where she "landed" with a parachute in the colors of the Union Jack ...

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