The Dutch Royal Courts: She talks about money he talks about Law and Justice - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Dutch Royal Courts: She talks about money he talks about Law and Justice


She was in Amsterdam in a printed green and gray Natan dress, LK BENNETT Sledge Hell, BODES AND BODE Earrings,  he was at The Hague yesterdayApril 20th, Willem-Alexander and Maxima had separate agendas. Queen of the Netherlands had on its agenda the opening of Netherlands-OECD Global Symposium, a conference which dealt with financial resilience throughout life. The young woman of 44 years was participating in her capacity as patron of the platform "Wijzer in geldzaken" dedicated to promoting responsible financial behavior in the Netherlands.

King Willem-Alexander was like the day before along with Ban Ki-moon, with which the royal couple had hosted a diner that evening April 19 at the Palace Noordeinde. While on Tuesday the sovereign head and Secretary General of the United Nations had inaugurated the new complex of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the dunes between The Hague and the North Sea on Wednesday both morning attended at the Palace peace, a formal sitting to mark the 70th anniversary of the international Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague. Principal judicial organ of the United Nations, it held its inaugural meeting April 18, 1946 in the presence of the Princess Juliana -the grandmother Willem-Alexander to be sacred queen two years later- and her husband Prince Bernhard .

Wednesday afternoon, justice was once again on King Willem-Alexander’s activities, since it at this time opened, still in The Hague, the new building of the Supreme Court of the Netherlands, the highest Dutch court criminal, tax and civil law.

The former Queen Beatrix was also mobilized on Wednesday. The former Queen was expected at Oud-Vossemeer, a village belonging to the municipality of Tholen in Zeeland. This is where Van lived Rosevelt, ancestors of the two presidents of the United States Theodore and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Assisted by a granddaughter and a grand-son of the latter, Princess Beatrix opened the Information Centre where Roosevelt is presented in a sector aimed at developing tourism, origin and genealogy of families American and Dutch Roosevelt.
Queen Maxima:

King Willem Alexander:

Princess Beatrix:

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