The Norwegian Royal Courts: Sprince Cleaning for Queen Sonja and Crown Princess Mette-Maritt - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Norwegian Royal Courts: Sprince Cleaning for Queen Sonja and Crown Princess Mette-Maritt


Each with a white plastic garbage each clip its garbage. Queen Sonja of Norway and her daughter-in-law Crown Princess Mette-Marit had taken part in a very seriously the task on their April 19th. This was however far from their usual royal engagements. Thiey join forces with volunteers who clean the streets and beaches of Sandefjord, a town of the edges of the North Sea south of Oslo. Objective: To make the cleanest town in the whole kingdom of Norway.

The Royal House explains that, at a reception she gave last October with King Harald V of Norway for seniors engaged in volunteering, Queen Sonja had met one of the volunteers of this team. Very impressed with their results -more than 28 tons of garbage collected since 2014-, Sonja had promised to come and help. So she kept her word, resulting Mette-Marit in its wake, as well as the mayor of Sandefjord.

Once the collection performed, Sonja and Mette-Marit were rewarded for their efforts, like the other participants, with a hot drink and "kanelboller" (the cinnamon rolls). The Queen of Norway took advantage of the media coverage of her participation in the cleaning of this coastal town to remind Norwegians needed to change the bad habit of throwing garbage into the sea, especially the plastic bags.
Photo Credits: Paris Match

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