The Unveiling of the big white rabbit head - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Unveiling of the big white rabbit head


It was she who pulled the wire to unveil the first work: a big white rabbit head. A second, a "geometric fox" orange was close. The princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway, second in the order of succession to the throne after his father, inaugurated this Thursday, May 19 in the park of the Royal Palace in Oslo, a children's sculpture park named in his name. The granddaughter of King Harald V was standing next to it on the dais during the ceremony attended by some 700 small kindergarten students.

For this official mission, Ingrid Alexandra, who was wearing two pigtails and dressed in white and navy, could count on the presence of all the Norwegian royal family. In addition to sovereign grandfather, the girl was surrounded by his grandmother Queen Sonja, his parents Princess Mette-Marit and Crown Prince Haakon, his younger brother aged 10 Sverre Magnus and even its great aunt Princess Astrid, the sister of Harald.

Arranged on the occasion of 25th anniversary of the coronation of King Harald V in the year 2016, children's sculpture park should house a dozen. By artists, they are designed by schoolchildren from different regions of Norway through a national competition.

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