The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Princess Ingrid-Alexandra

Official Photos for their 80th birthday

Last October 17th 2016, King Harald V and Queen Sonja of Norway gathered around their children and grandchildren. All the members of the royal family joined their Majesties to pose in front of the camera in a room of the Royal Palace in Oslo for a series of historical clichés to mark the 80th birthday of both the sovereign and his wife.

These beautiful images were kept secret for exactly four months. They were only revealed last Friday, February 17th 2017, just four days before Harald V blew its 80 candles. Three of them have been published on the website of the Palais.

This royal shooting took place in several settings. King Harald V and Queen Sonja, dressed in a white set, were photographed alone, standing, and sitting side by side in gilded wooden chairs. The royal couple was also photographed with their two children Crown Prince Haakon and Princess Märtha Louise. Another image shows them this time with their four granddaughters and their grandsons: Princess Ingrid Alexandra and Prince Sverre Magnus - the children of Haakon and Mette-Marit - and Maud Angelica, Leah Isadora and Emma Tallulah- the daughters of Märtha-Louise and Ari Behn. Finally, a beautiful family photo gathered around them their children and grandchildren, to which were joined their daughter-in-law the Princess Mette-Marit and the eldest son of her, Marius Borg Hoiby.

In this gallery of portraits, a photo is missing. The one where King Harald V and his two successors to the Norwegian crown would be seen: his son Crown Prince Haakon and his granddaughter Princess Ingrid Alexandra. The trio has been immortalized over the years. But perhaps this photograph has been realized and not yet revealed. It will be seen this Tuesday, February 21, 2017, J. day of the king's birthday. To be continued…
Photo credits: Paris Match/ Kongehuset.no

The Norwegian Royal Courts: National Day ceremony *May 17th

Like every year on May 17th, the date of the national day in Norway, heir to the crown Crown Prince Haakon and his wife Crown Princess Mette-Marit and their two children, emerged in the early morning at the door of their residence Skaugum, located in the suburb of Oslo to attend the school children parade and receive their bouquets. In traditional dress, the royal couple was accompanied by their daughter Princess Ingrid Alexandra, 12, and their son Prince Sverre Magnus, 10, and one of their labradoodle breed dogs. Milly Kakao,

However, this year, Marius Borg Hoiby, the eldest son of the Crown Princess was born before his marriage before Haakon, played notably absent. The Norwegian press points out that the handsome young man of 19 preferred to be discreet in the media eye because he needs to calm before writing his final exams. And, given its physical and some 30,000 subscribers to his Instagram account, you can expect that each of his official appearances provokes reactions in the tabloids as well as on the canvas.

After the first act, Mette-Marit, Haakon and their two children joined at 10.30am King Harald V and Queen Sonja for Act 2 of the day: the appearance on the balcony of the Royal Palace in Oslo, again traditional dress for women but in tails and top hat for men.

This year the weather was in the game. Like her mother and her grandmother, Princess Ingrid Alexandra little laced at times sunglasses. Featuring black glasses, they have not failed to give him an air of star in the Cannes festival period.
Photo Credits: Paris Match

The Unveiling of the big white rabbit head

It was she who pulled the wire to unveil the first work: a big white rabbit head. A second, a "geometric fox" orange was close. The princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway, second in the order of succession to the throne after his father, inaugurated this Thursday, May 19 in the park of the Royal Palace in Oslo, a children's sculpture park named in his name. The granddaughter of King Harald V was standing next to it on the dais during the ceremony attended by some 700 small kindergarten students.

For this official mission, Ingrid Alexandra, who was wearing two pigtails and dressed in white and navy, could count on the presence of all the Norwegian royal family. In addition to sovereign grandfather, the girl was surrounded by his grandmother Queen Sonja, his parents Princess Mette-Marit and Crown Prince Haakon, his younger brother aged 10 Sverre Magnus and even its great aunt Princess Astrid, the sister of Harald.

Arranged on the occasion of 25th anniversary of the coronation of King Harald V in the year 2016, children's sculpture park should house a dozen. By artists, they are designed by schoolchildren from different regions of Norway through a national competition.




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