The British Royal Family: Harry wants to fill the void left by the death of Lady Di - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The British Royal Family: Harry wants to fill the void left by the death of Lady Di


Before leaving for the United States, Prince Harry sat down with "People" magazine. A rare opportunity for him to discuss the death of his mother Lady Diana.

Prince Harry steals Prince on the cover of the latest issue of "People". The grand son of Queen Elizabeth II appears smiling in his blue suit, while in thumbnail appears an old photo of a child sucking her thumb in the arms of his mother Lady Diana. As the singer of Purple Rain passed away on April 21th, it is relegated to a small photo at the top of the page.

If Harry is the one of "People", it is because he gave a long interview to the American tabloid from his home at  Kensington Palace in London, before flying to Canada and the United States where are held the 2nd Invictus Games. If course addresses these kinds of OJ that compete in ten disciplines of former military men and women who have been injured as part of their commitment to their homeland, the young man of 31 years also refers to other topics. Among them, the younger brother of Prince William does not fail, once again, to talk about their dear mother too soon disappeared and explain how it guides his steps.

"All I want to do is make my mother extremely proud. That's all I ever wanted to do, "said Harry, who was not yet 13 when the Princess of Wales passed away August 31st, 1997 as a result of his injuries from a car accident in the tunnel bridge l'Alma in Paris.

"When she died, it was a gaping hole, not only for us but for a lot of people around the world," recalled the younger son of Prince Charles. "If I can try to fill a small part of that, my task will be accomplished," he says. Harry also he revealed that he intended to spend the rest of his life trying to fill "whenever possible" the void caused by the death of the generous and caring Princess of Wales. "And as William will," he added.

However, Prince Harry said he does not consciously modeled his charitable commitment on his mother. "I like what I do. But I do not do these things because I feel that my mother wished that I have to do ", he told, while acknowledging:" I know there are a lot of my mother me. I do a lot of things she would probably do. "

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