The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Prince Harry

London Marathon Training seesion

Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge together with Prince Harry participated in a London Marathon training session on Sunday, Feb. 5th with the "Heads Together" association, their mental health initiative.

It started with a little racing competition amongst the Kensington Palace's senior residents this Sunday, at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London, for a sprint. The winner ? The most sporting of the three, of course: Prince Harry.

The Duchess of Cambridge, her husband Prince William and Prince Harry, went to this training session to promote the London Marathon, which will take place on Sunday, April 23rd. The big race taking place in the heart of the British's capital will this year and fundraising for the eight Heads Together charity partners.

Last January, at a conference at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, the Royal Trio presented its initiative to leaders from across British society, from media companies and new technology, to business and To the voluntary sector, to rally them to their project.

In pictures:  Kate, William and Harry are preparing to march on London

The Duchess premiered and kept warm in the Perfect Moment Mini Duvet quilted down ski jacket (CAN$505). Inside she wore with a black turtleneck top and black Zara Body Curve Jeggings, premiering a new pair of black running shoes by New Balance x SB Exclusive Sneakers(Identified by MiddletonMaven). For jewelry she had round pavé diamond stud Asprey 167 button earrings
This new association is part of the Duchess of Cambridge's long work to raise awareness of mental distress. Catherine was already the godmother of one of the eight associations, Place2Be, which accompanies more than 75,000 children victims of psychological problems in school.

Photo Credits: Paris Match

Prince Harry le premier Patron royle de la Conservation du rhinoceros du Botswana

Le Prince Harry officialisa son implication dans la sauvegarde du rhinocéros en devenant le nouveau et premier Patron royal de la conservation du rhinocéros du Botswana.

Prince Harry a déclaré au magazine américain «Town and Country» qu'il se sentait plus à l'aise en Afrique. Apparemment, le jeune fils du prince Charles et feu Lady Diana n'est pas prêt à arrêter d'aller à ce continent. Déjà impliqué au Lesotho et au Botswana avec sa Fondation Sentebale - qui aide les enfants vulnérables, en particulier ceux qui sont séropositifs et / ou dont les parents sont morts du SIDA -, le jeune de trente ans a pris une nouvelle responsabilité en Afrique. Le Rhino Conservation Botswana (RCB) a annoncé le jeudi 19 janvier 2017 que Harry était maintenant leur nouveau patron royal.

La conservation du rhinocéros Le Botswana surveille et protège les rhinocéros noirs et blancs de l'Afrique australe et les déplace vers le Botswana. "Ici, grâce à de puissantes lois anti-braconnage du gouvernement et au soutien de l'armée, les rhinocéros peuvent prospérer - et finalement un des derniers grands espoirs pour la survie de leur race", déclare l'association sur son site Internet.

Les nouvelles ont été immédiatement relayées sur Twitter du Kensington Palace et l'occasion de publier plusieurs photos du jeune Pays de Galles participant activement en septembre 2016 à une opération de conservation du rhinocéros au Botswana pour équiper les dispositifs électroniques de surveillance des rhinocéros noirs menacés d'extinction.

Une vidéo a également été partagée. Le Prince Harry est vu en action avec ses amis les rhinocéros pendant cette mission dans le Delta de l'Okavango. Dans ce film, le jeune homme, qui partage maintenant la vie de l'actrice américaine Meghan Markle, dit: «C'est l'une des espèces les plus emblématiques en Afrique ... Si nous ne pouvons pas sauver ces animaux, que pouvons-nous sauver?

En ce qui concerne son nouveau «patron royal», le Botswana Rhino Conservation souligne sur son site Web qu'il a mis en évidence: «J'ai eu la chance de visiter le Botswana pendant plus de 20 ans et je suis incroyablement heureux d'être capable de 'Call it my second Être le Patron de RCB est l'occasion de redonner quelque chose à un pays qui m'a beaucoup donné ". Il a ajouté:" Il est temps pour nous de commencer à honorer et à soutenir les pays qui prennent la tête dans la conservation. "

Prince Harry the first Royal Patron of the Rhino Conservation in Botswana

Prince Harry formalized his involvement in safeguarding the rhinoceros by becoming the new and first Royal Patron of the Rhino Conservation Botswana.

Prince Harry told the American magazine "Town and Country" that he felt more at ease in Africa. Apparently, the young son of Prince Charles and the late Lady Diana is not ready to stop going to this continent. Already involved in Lesotho and Botswana with his Sentebale Foundation - which helps vulnerable children, especially those who are HIV-positive and / or whose parents have died from AIDS-, the thirty-year-old has taken on a new responsibility in Africa. The Rhino Conservation Botswana (RCB) announced on Thursday January 19th 2017 that Harry was now their new royal patron.

THe Rhino Conservation Botswana monitors and protects black and white rhinoceros from southern Africa and moves them to Botswana. "Here, thanks to strong anti-poaching laws of the government and the support of the army, rhinoceros can prosper - and ultimately one of the last great hopes for the survival of their race," says the association on its site Internet.

The news was immediately relayed on the Kensington Palace's Twitter and an opportunity to publish several photographs of the younger Wales actively participating in September 2016 in a Rhino Conservation Botswana operation to equip electronic monitoring devices for critically endangered black rhinoceroses.

A video was also shared. Prince Harry is seen in action with his friends the rhinos during this mission in the Okavango Delta. In this film, the young man, who now shares the life of American actress Meghan Markle, says: "This is one of the most emblematic species in Africa ... If we can not save these animals, What can we save? "

Regarding his new "royal patron", the Rhino Conservation Botswana points out on its website that it has highlighted: "I have been lucky enough to visit Botswana for more than 20 years and I am incredibly happy to be able to 'Call it my second home. Being the Patron of RCB is the opportunity to give something back to a country that gave me a lot. " He added: "It is time for us to start honoring and supporting countries that take the lead in conservation."

Les preparatifs du Marathon de Londres par les trio du Palais de Kensington

Le trio du Palais de Kensington s'est réuni pour leur premiere reunion de 2017 le mardi 17 janvier pour préparer leur grand projet de l'année. Lors d'une conférence à l'Institut des arts contemporains, les princes William, Harry et la duchesse Catherine défendaient «Heads Together», un collectif d'associations dont les trois têtes couronnées étaient à l'origine en vue du Marathon de Londres.

«Heads Together» est l'organisme de bienfaisance soutenu cette année par le London Marathon au cœur de la capitale britannique. À cette occasion, le duc, la duchesse et le prince Harry ont présenté leurs initiatives aux dirigeants de l'ensemble de la société britannique, des sociétés de médias ou des nouvelles technologies, par le milieu des affaires et le secteur bénévole, pour les rassembler dans leur projet.

«Heads Together» est une fédération de huit organismes de bienfaisance en santé mentale, lancée en mars par William, Catherine et Harry, afin de partager les efforts visant à encourager les gens à parler ouvertement de leurs problèmes de santé mentale et à chercher de l'aide. Pour cette occarsion, la duchesse a débuté une nouvelle robe par une de ses créatrices canadiennes préférées, Erdem 'Evita', une robe de collage de lys noir, accessoirisée avec son sac d'embrayage Mulberry 'Bayswater' et des pompes Tods en cuir à franges Son Oscar de la Renta martelé boucles d'oreilles en faux plaqué or plaqué
Cette nouvelle association fait partie du long travail de la duchesse de Cambridge pour sensibiliser la population à la détresse mentale. Catherine était déjà la marraine d'une des huit associations, Place2Be, qui accompagne plus de 75 000 enfants victimes de problèmes psychologiques à l'école.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry joins head to fight

Kensington Palace trio were meeting on Tuesday, January 17th, to prepare for their big project of the year. At a conference at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Princes William, Harry and Duchess Catherine defended "Heads Together," a collective of associations whose three crowned heads were originally in sight of the London Marathon.

"Heads Together" is the charity supported this year by the London Marathon in the heart of the British capital. On this occasion, The Duke, Duchess and Prince Harry presented their initiatives to leaders of the whole of British society, media companies or new technology, through the business community and the voluntary sector, to rally them to their project .

"Heads Together" is a federation of eight mental health charities, launched in March by William, Catherine and Harry, to share efforts to encourage people to talk openly about their mental health problems and search for help. For this occarsion, the Duchess debuted a new dress by one of her favorite Canadian fashion designer's, Erdem 'Evita' black lily collage dress, accessorized with her cranberry suede Mulberry 'Bayswater' clutch bag and burgundy Tod's fringed leather pumps, completed the look with her Oscar de la Renta hammered gold-plated faux pearl earrings
This new association is part of the Duchess of Cambridge's long work to raise awareness of mental distress. Catherine was already the godmother of one of the eight associations, Place2Be, which accompanies more than 75,000 children victims of psychological problems in school.

The British Royal Courts: Joined efforts to End Stigmatization against Mental Health

It is a beautiful Catherine, in a Geo Jacquard Midi Skirt, featuring a geometric pattern in a mix of navy, teal and white. The a-line midi skirt has a pleat at the front and is rendered in jacquard cotton by American fashion retailer, Banana Republic associated with a Goat Fashion 'Binky' blouse in cream top, her LK Bennett 'Fromme' clutch, and on her feet were the Rupert Sanderson 'Malory' pumps, her Sapphire & Diamond Oval Drop 'Diana' Earrings and Cartier Ballon Bleu watch, but boxing gloves on each hand. The picture seems very unusual seen this Monday 16 May, while the Duchess of Cambridge was, with her husband Prince William and his brother Prince Harry, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London. The royal trio are launching the campaign "Heads Together". Eight federating all charities operating in the field of mental health, thematic in which Cambridge and Harry are fully engaged, it is intended to encourage people to talk openly about their problems and seek help.

Each association had a stand. William, Catherine and Harry, who the night before were in Windsor with Queen Elizabeth II, went from one to another. The young woman of 34 years has not failed to dwell on the space devoted to Place2Be, organization which she is their patron, including playing puppets show with children. But Duchess Catherine has also delivered a demonstration of her impressive talents as a boxer, like William and Harry, in conjunction with Mind, structure which highlights the importance of sport for the mental well-being. Present at their side, the triple world champion British Boxing Duke McKenzie  later that the mother of Prince George and the Princess Charlotte was very impatient donning gloves and that his gesture was "more technical" than those two grandchildren, son of Queen Elizabeth II who certainly were beating louder.
Photo Credit: PAris MAtch




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