The Japanese Imperial Courts: Spring Garden Party - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Japanese Imperial Courts: Spring Garden Party


Spring has arrived in Tokyo. And like every year, Emperor Akihito of Japan and his family celebrate with a garden party.

In Japan, tradition is immutable. Every year at the end of April, Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko gave a reception in the Imperial Garden Akasaka in Minato Ward in Tokyo to celebrate spring. And every year the imperial couple received numerous guests in the presence of several members of his family.

For this vintage 2016, this garden party spring was scheduled on Wednesday April 27th. Unlike last year when she was not present, Crown Princess Masako, wife of Crown Prince Naruhito, stood alongside her husband.

Like her mother-in-law and the rest of the women of the imperial family, Masako was dressed in Western. She wore a white suit on top of the same color and was also wearing a white hat. A bibi decorated with pink flowers resting on her hair, Empress Michiko were in turn associated his white suit with stockings and gray shoes. Her other daughter-in-law Princess Kiko, the wife of Prince Akishino, was pale green and the daughter of this one, the Princess Kako, pink. As for men, they wore black jackets as usual white tie and striped gray trousers.
Photo Credits: Paris Match

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