The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Empres Michiko

Kosho Hajime no gi

Their Imperial Majesties Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko attended Wednesday Jan 11th with a part of the imperial family the "Kosho hajime no gi" ceremony.

Absent were Their Imperial Highnesses Crown Princess Masako and Princess Kako. The wife of Crown Prince Naruhito was not by his side to attend the "Kosho hajime no gi" alongside with some other members of the Japanese imperial family. With a sitting arrangement of women on one side, the men on the other, to the left and right of the imperial couple. T.I.M Emperor Akihito of Japan and Empress Michiko, sitting in armchairs in front of masked tables of shimmering fabric, faced the speakers who succeeded each other in the course of this annual ceremony. Dressed in turquoise-blue, Princess Mako, 25, had come with her parents Prince Fumihito of Akishino and Princess Kiko.

The "Kosho hajime no gi" or "First Conference" is organized annually in January at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, in the presence of the Japanese monarch and his wife, during the New Year ceremonies. Academics took the floor. Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo and member of the Japanese Academy of Sciences, Tetsuya Shiokawa evoked the French mathematician and philosopher of the seventeenth century Blaise Pascal, of whom he is an undisputed specialist. Also featured was Kazuko Mori, professor emeritus at Waseda University, whose main research interests are related to the politics and external relations of contemporary China, and molecular biologist Yoshiyuki Sakaki, 6th president of Toyohashi Technical University and Professor Emeritus at the University of Tokyo.

The Japanese Imperial Family wishes a Happy New Year

Emperor Akihito of Japan on Monday pronounced infront of tens of thousands of his citizens his traditional New Year wishes, which could be his last given the ongoing debate on an eventual abdication. This is his first wish since he announced in August his concerns about his ability to perform his duties due to old age. The imperial palace also broadcast a series of photos of the whole family gathered around the Emperor, on the occasion of the New Years.

The Imperial Palace announced that at least 58,600 people had attended his speech, some waving Japanese flags and shouting "Banzai!" ("Ten thousand years", meaning "long life"). "At the beginning of this year, I wish happiness and tranquility to all, in the world and in our country," he said in a televised address from a glassed-in balcony where several members of his family .

The 83-year-old Emperor fears that old age will prevent him in the future from fully exercising his role as a "symbol of the Nation". "Fortunately, today I am healthy, but when I see my form decline gradually, I am concerned about the difficulty of fulfilling my duties," he said in August. If he did not pronounce the expression "abdication", this wish filtered in his words and led to a national reflection on his end of reign.

Under the law governing the Imperial House, the Emperor of Japan is not allowed to abandon the throne of Chrysanthemum during his lifetime. Nationalist Prime Minister Shinzo Abe appointed a commission of personalities to reflect on the question of a possible renunciation, which would entail a transfer of the imperial title to Crown Prince Naruhito.
Later the whole family attended the New Year's ceremony reception at the Imperial Palace on January 1st 2017 in Tokyo. The ladies adorned their tiaras, Princess Kiko of Akishino in the Akishino Tiara, her daughters Princesses Kako and Mako each wore their respective tiara and Crown Princess Masako wore the Japanese Sunburst Tiara

The Japanese Imperial Courts: Spring Garden Party

Spring has arrived in Tokyo. And like every year, Emperor Akihito of Japan and his family celebrate with a garden party.

In Japan, tradition is immutable. Every year at the end of April, Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko gave a reception in the Imperial Garden Akasaka in Minato Ward in Tokyo to celebrate spring. And every year the imperial couple received numerous guests in the presence of several members of his family.

For this vintage 2016, this garden party spring was scheduled on Wednesday April 27th. Unlike last year when she was not present, Crown Princess Masako, wife of Crown Prince Naruhito, stood alongside her husband.

Like her mother-in-law and the rest of the women of the imperial family, Masako was dressed in Western. She wore a white suit on top of the same color and was also wearing a white hat. A bibi decorated with pink flowers resting on her hair, Empress Michiko were in turn associated his white suit with stockings and gray shoes. Her other daughter-in-law Princess Kiko, the wife of Prince Akishino, was pale green and the daughter of this one, the Princess Kako, pink. As for men, they wore black jackets as usual white tie and striped gray trousers.
Photo Credits: Paris Match

The Japanese Imperiale Courts: Musical concert for the Imperial Family

On 30th March, Her Imperial Majesty Empress Michiko alone without her royal husband His Imperial Majesty Emperor Akihito was surrounded by the family to attend the annual concert of the graduates from 5 music universities took place at the Music Hall inside Imperial Palace.
Her Imperial Majesty was accompanied by her elder son His Imperial Highness Crown Prince Naruhito, his wife Her Imperial Highness Crown Princess Masako, her younger son His Imperial Highness Prince Fumihito of Akishino, his wife Her Imperial Highness Princess Kiko, Her Imperial Highness Princess Mako and Her Imperial Highness Princess Kako of Akishino, Her Imperial Highness  Princess Hanako of Hitachi, Her Imperial Highness Princess Hisako of Takamado came with her daughter Her Imperial Highness Princess Ayako of Takamado.
Photo Credits from Mainichi:




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