The Swedish Royal Courts: A break from the babies for new dads Princes Daniel and Carl-Philip - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Swedish Royal Courts: A break from the babies for new dads Princes Daniel and Carl-Philip


Tuesday evening, King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden was in the spotlight ahead of his 70th anniversary of 70 years. Besides his wife Queen Silvia, he could count on the presence at his side of the Princes Carl Philip and Daniel came solo.

This Saturday April 30th, 2016, the King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf turns 70. But the Swedes did not wait for the big day to celebrate the 70th anniversary of their sovereign. The festivities have already begun. Thus, this Monday, April 25, an event was organized in his honor at the Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm. Entitled "Baltic Sea - hope and threats", she saw various specialists intervene to evoke the Baltic in terms of commerce and politics, science and art, people and the environment. Dressed in a pink suit fuchsia, Queen Silvia was with her husband.

The royal couple had not come alone. The King and Queen of Sweden were escorted by their son Prince Carl Philip and their son in law Prince Consort Daniel. The two young dads were single, their wives, Crown Princess Victoria and Princess Sofia, being one as the other on maternity leave. The first gave birth to Prince Oscar -the little brother of the princess Estelle- on March 2, the second to Prince Alexander, her first child, April 12.

However, this Tuesday, April 26, for the anniversary concert given in the chapel of the Royal Palace in Stockholm, Silvia was only to accompany her royal husband. She had chosen to wear a jacket for the occasion in gray and white tweed dress on the same gray.

Baltic Sea Concert:

April 26th:

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