The Belgian Royal Courts: An engagement under the rain - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Belgian Royal Courts: An engagement under the rain


Since its car output was handed her an umbrella. The rain was indeed part of this Thursday, April 28 in the port of Ostend where Queen Matilda was expected to baptize the "Fly to the wind", a new "Installation Ship" fleet of the Jan De Luxembourg company Nul Group. This boat was built for installing offshore wind farms in the North Sea.

Mathilde, who was dressed for the occasion in a pearl gray coat signed Armani Privé, a dress of the same fabric, and wore a matching hat, with long pearl earrings and a clutch of Armani Privé, was then seized the transparent umbrella s' shelter itself, the time to reach officials who welcomed on the dock. Then the wife of the King of the Belgians Philippe has not failed to board the ship 140 meters long, one of the largest of its kind in the world, which will allow installing the latest generation of offshore wind, at a depth of 50 meters.

The Belgian press agency Belga says that the baptism of the "Fly to the wind" by Queen Matilda in fact marked the launch of construction works by the company Nobelwind fourth Belgian wind farm in the North Sea. This should be operational in the year 2017. "Nobelwind hired Jan De Nul for the installation of all 50 turbines and foundations offshore. Each turbine has a capacity of 3.3 MW. The park will have an installed capacity of 165 megawatts (MW) and will supply green energy to 186,000 Belgian families each year, "said Belga.
Photo Credit: Paris Match

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