The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: MonarchyBe

Their Majesties in Verviers

Last Wednesday, February 15th 2017, Their Majesties King Philippe and his wife the Queen Mathilde went to Verviers, a commune in the province of Liège in the west of the country, not far from the German and Dutch borders. Three appointments were scheduled. The Royal Belgian couple first met with employees, volunteers and users of the Télé-Service association on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. It helps people in precarious situations.

Then Mathilde, dressed in a black and green Natan set with a Japanese motif, and Philippe visited the incubator for start-up The Faktory where young entrepreneurs expected them. They have completed their trip to ConstruForm, the new training center for construction trades of the IFAPME (Institute for Work and Leisure Studies) and the self-employed and SMEs.

This displacement, which was punctuated by crowd baths, resembled at first sight others whom King Philip and Queen Mathilde perform throughout the year in the four corners of their kingdom. At first sight only. For, as the Belgian journalist Julien Modave pointed out in a report on "RTL Info" , this visit was not insignificant. "It is even symbolically important because it is the first time in more than 21 years that a king sets foot here on the territory verviétois, is to say so obviously his passage was much awaited," he explained . "And it's also important, since since January 15, 2015, since the attacks were thwarted here in Verviers, well the city does not necessarily enjoy an excellent reputation. And yet entrepreneurs decided that Verviers was a breeding ground for economic development, "the reporter added. In other words, this royal visit was truly historic for the local population.
Photo Credits: Paris Match

Her Engagement with Children

"Every child deserves a safe childhood." It was in her words that Queen Mathilde began her speech, delivered in English , this Friday, February 10th 2017 at the Egmont Palace in Brussels. In the company of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and European Affairs Didier Reynders, the wife of the King of the Belgians Philippe opened an international conference dealing with children and armed conflicts.

This was organized by Belgium on the occasion of the International Day against the Use of Child Soldiers. The Palais emphasized that the exchanges focused on "UN child protection policies and regional organizations such as the African Union, the European Union and NATO. The objective is to identify best practices and thus improve the protection of children in armed conflicts ".

Seven months earlier, on Monday, July 11th 2016, Mathilde of Belgium was already speaking on this subject , but in New York. As she flew to Big Apple with Didier Reynders, during a two-day working visit to the United Nations, she spoke about the plight of children in armed conflicts as honorary president of 'Unicef ​​Belgium. It is in this capacity, but also as "advocate of the SDGs", the objectives of sustainable development of the United Nations, that it concluded its speech this Friday, in these terms: "As an Attorney of the objectives of sustainable development And Honorary President of Unicef ​​Belgium, I am personally committed to continuing my efforts to improve the plight of children affected by armed conflict ".
Photo Credits: PAris Match

La Reine Belge visite Liege

Ce jeudi 9 février 2017, Mathilde était à Liège. La reine belge était attendue dans les locaux de la Haute École Mosane. Elle allait discuter davantage du projet «Côte-à-côte», qui consiste en la supervision par des étudiants de jeunes en difficulté qui fréquentent une école de devoirs dans un quartier de la ville.

Cette nomination a été motivée par le fait que «Côte-à-Coeur» a reçu un financement de 10 000 euros dans le cadre de la Fondation Reine Mathilde «Chaque projet enseigne un« appel à projets ». Les jeunes ont un goût pour l'apprentissage. Cela n'est pas seulement bénéfique pour les jeunes bénéficiaires, mais aussi pour les étudiants qui sont de futurs enseignants, car ils sont ainsi conscients de la réalité sociale des étudiants qu'ils rencontrent », a expliqué le responsable de la communication de l'école dans la presse belge, Par "l'avenir".

Vêtue d'une ligne droite, à manches courtes, avec de grandes bandes rouillées, orange et noire de Natan, qu'elle portait à l'extérieur sous un boléro de laine rouillé, accordée à une ceinture orange, une peau de croc orange Giorgio Armani sac et des pompes, la reine Mathilde parlait Avec les étudiants impliqués. Avec un grand sourire, la femme de 44 ans a pris la pose avec eux pour un souvenir photo de sa venue. Et c'est avec la même convivialité que, quand elle a quitté l'école, elle s'est penchée vers de très jeunes enfants qui ont attendu pour la voir et ont échangé quelques mots avec eux.
Photo Credit: Paris Match

Queen Mathilde with the Youth and then Children

This Thursday, February 9th 2017, Mathilde was in Liege. The Belgian Queen was expected at the Haute École Mosane premises. She was going to discuss more about the "Côte-à-côte" project, which consists of supervision by students of young people in difficulty who attend a school of homework in a district of the city.

This appointment was motivated by the fact that "Côte-à-Coeur" received € 10,000 funding as part of the "Reine Mathilde Foundation's "Each one Teach one" call for projects. "Through this project, it is about (re) giving these young people a taste for learning. This is not only beneficial for the young beneficiaries but also for the students, who are future teachers, because they are thus aware of the social reality of the students they meet, "explained the communication officer of the school in the Belgian press, as reported by "the Future" .

Dressed in a straight, short-sleeved with large rusty, orange and black stripes dress by Natan, which she wore on the outside under a rusty woolen bolero, tuned to an orange belt, orange croc skin Giorgio Armani bag and pumps, Queen Mathilde spoke with the students involved. With a big smile, the 44-year old woman took the pose with them for a photo souvenir of her coming. And it was with the same conviviality that, when she left the school, she leaned towards very young children who waited to see her and exchanged a few words with them.
Photo Credit: Paris Match

The ATD Fourth World Movement

Her Majesty visited on February 2nd the local section of Etterbeek of the ATD Fourth World Movement.

All dressed in black, Queen Mathilde visited this Thursday February 2nd 2017 at the Maison Quart Monde in Etterbeek, a commune near to the City of Brussels. The Queen consort met with active people in this international movement "fighting for human rights, with the aim of ensuring access of the poor to exercise their rights and Progress towards the eradication of extreme poverty ". Most of them had experience of poverty themselves.

During the visit, Queen Mathilde listened to seven witnesses. "A young Flemish man described his resumption of studies in computer science. A facilitator described the functioning of the street library that he runs in Molenbeek-Saint-Jean. A permanent from ATD Fourth World explained the importance of fighting prejudices about the poor and poverty, "reports the Belgian media. And to add that a couple spoke about his life in an area originally intended for vacationers, lack of social housing, explaining the solidarities that are organized there. "The Queen asked questions, notably about the stress felt because of the harshness of certain experiments or about the solidarities established with the young people," says the "RTBF".

Founded in 1957 in Noisy-le-Grand in Paris suburbs by French priest Joseph Wresinski, ATD Fourth World has seen its Belgian declination officially created in 1971 . The structure of the movement in Belgium is based on four non-profit-making associations, each with its own specificity, but sharing common objectives.
Photo Credits: PAris Match




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