Queen Mathilde with the Youth and then Children - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

Queen Mathilde with the Youth and then Children


This Thursday, February 9th 2017, Mathilde was in Liege. The Belgian Queen was expected at the Haute École Mosane premises. She was going to discuss more about the "Côte-à-côte" project, which consists of supervision by students of young people in difficulty who attend a school of homework in a district of the city.

This appointment was motivated by the fact that "Côte-à-Coeur" received € 10,000 funding as part of the "Reine Mathilde Foundation's "Each one Teach one" call for projects. "Through this project, it is about (re) giving these young people a taste for learning. This is not only beneficial for the young beneficiaries but also for the students, who are future teachers, because they are thus aware of the social reality of the students they meet, "explained the communication officer of the school in the Belgian press, as reported by "the Future" .

Dressed in a straight, short-sleeved with large rusty, orange and black stripes dress by Natan, which she wore on the outside under a rusty woolen bolero, tuned to an orange belt, orange croc skin Giorgio Armani bag and pumps, Queen Mathilde spoke with the students involved. With a big smile, the 44-year old woman took the pose with them for a photo souvenir of her coming. And it was with the same conviviality that, when she left the school, she leaned towards very young children who waited to see her and exchanged a few words with them.
Photo Credit: Paris Match

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