Crown Princess Mette-Marit holding a jackhammer on a construction - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

Crown Princess Mette-Marit holding a jackhammer on a construction


During the visit of a reintegration enterprise, Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway did not hesitate to join the workers, jack hammer in hand.

A blue helmet on the head, a protective mask on the nose and mouth, a fluorescent orange public work jacket and a jackhammer in hand. Difficult to imagine that the person photographed in Oslo on Wednesday January 25th 2017 breaking a cement floor is the future queen consort of Norway. And yet, it was indeed the Crown Princess who had slipped that day into the skin of the workers she had come to meet.

The wife of Crown Prince Haakon had an appointment in connection with the social enterprise Monsterbedriften AS. Specializing in bath works - demolition, decontamination of asbestos, coring, heat treatment, etc. - it employs the reintegration of people who, for various reasons, find it difficult to find a traditional job.

Dressed in a pullover, a black jacket and trousers, sneakers on her feet, Mette-Marit did not just talk to these second chance employees on one of their yards. The daughter-in-law of King Harald V and Queen Sonja wanted to better understand the tasks they are carrying out, using a jackhammer. On the same day, she posed on her account Instagram a snapshot of this visit, indicating in the legend to have rubbed shoulders with "wonderful people".
Photo Credits: Paris Match

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