The Salmon rivers conference - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Salmon rivers conference


On Wednesday, February 1st His Majesty the King participated in the conference Live salmon rivers 2.0 , which was held at the Cultural fabric in Umeå.
In August 2015 this was organized by a National Water Conference on the restoration of aquatic environments and management of especially salmon and sea trout stocks . The King attended the gathering which also then took place in Umeå.

Live salmon rivers 2.0 was a follow-up, this time with the theme of the management of fish resources for the development of sport fishing and fishing tourism.

The king opened the conference and said:

"Swedish fishing tourism has a great potential. So, how do we ensure that the fruition? An important piece of the puzzle is the management. Do we have a fishing tourism that is sustainable and which creates many jobs, yes, we must manage our salmon stocks wisely. That is: modern, adaptive and efficient. At our shores, as well as in our rivers. "

During the day, he first spoke among other rural minister Sven-Erik Bucht, Erica Mattson from Swedish Lapland Visitors Board, Ingemar Berglund, Marine and Water Authority, and Camilla Sandström, Umeå University, about the visions and paths towards a sustainable salmon and trout management.

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