The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Swedish Royal Couple

She is back to work, attending the Baltic Seas conference

Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden made her comeback this Monday after a three months parental leave.

It is with a subject that is very close to her heart that Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden made her return to 2017 on Monday, March 6th. Just a week after returning from holiday that she had granted herself at this beginning of a year with her small family, the eldest daughter of Their Majesties went to the congress center in Stockholm to open the annual conference "Baltic Sea Future", a multidisciplinary congress that brings together some 350 participants, mayors of municipalities around the Baltic Sea, civil servants, academics and business representatives.

For this most studious appointment, the young woman of 39 years had opted for an elegant look of working girl. The mother of 5 year old and a 1 year who just blew out his first candle, wore a navy blue pants suit with fine light blue stripes to a blue bow tie blouse and blue Ralph Lauren Suede Celia Pump. She held a blue and black Dagmar Taylor Tote Bag in her hand. Her hair drawn in the ponytail revealed her golden earrings in the form of a half-moon, matching her necklace.

In her speech, Princess Victoria of Sweden, full of hope, said, according to statements made by the Palais: "Even if we humans and our way of life constitute a danger to the Baltic Sea, At the same time we have the opportunity to save it - through commitment, collaboration and innovation

New Photos of Princess Leonore to mark her 3rd birthday

The official site of the Royal Family of Sweden, their Facebook page and their Instagram account, not forgetting of course the Facebook page of her mother Princess Madeleine. Little Princess Leonore has been everywhere last Monday. What's more normal! The adorable blonde is the queen of the day in the kingdom of her grandfather King Carl XVI Gustaf. This Monday, February 20th 2017, the granddaughter of the sovereign celebrated her third birthday

As is customary at the court of Sweden, this anniversary has been the subject of new official photos. Prince Nicholas's older sister was dressed in a powder-coated pink woolen dress with a pleated white pleated detailing and sleeves and pockets underlined with white by Janie and Jack. Her detached hair is adorned with a big pink bow and the little girl, in white tights, is shod with pink ballerinas.

On one of the shots, we see Princess Leonore staring with amazement at the balloons of balloon she holds attached to long ribbons. Among them, a big 3 silver color and a multicolored round balloon where a "Happy Birthday" in pink letters.

Born on February 20th, 2014 in New York, Princess Leonore is the first child of Princess Madeleine of Sweden, the youngest of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia, and her husband the British-American banker Christopher O'Neill. The couple, who now lives in London, also has a son, Prince Nicolas, who was born in Stockholm on June 15th 2015.

The little princess Leonore now ranks seventh in succession to the Swedish crown. She retreated two places in 2016 after the birth of her two cousins, Princess Oscar-son of Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Consort Daniel - and Alexander - son of Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia.
Photo Credits:Brigitte Grenfeldt/ Kungahuset.se/Princess Madeleine/Facebook

New photos from the Crown Princess Family

The Court of Sweden publish two new photos of Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar, the children of Crown Princess Victoria and her husband Prince Consort Daniel.

We all already know that the little princess Estelle was taking a maker in hand, the second in line who will celebrate her 5 years on February 23th, draws under 11 months old little brother Prince Oscar's watchful eyes.
© Anna-Lena Ahlström, Kungahuset.se

This beautiful photograph of two children of Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and her husband Prince Daniel consort, taken from life, aired this Friday, February 3, 2017 by the Royal Swedish Court on his Instagram account.

This shot is doubled by a second. We see the two grandchildren of King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden and Queen Silvia, this time in the company of their parents. Dressed in the same outfit - a gray wool dress for Estelle, a white shirt and gray trousers from French company Tartine et Chocolat for the young Duke of Skane.

In a set garnet pants associated with a blouse with powdered pink Lavalliere collar, in a cashmere Alexandra jacket by Greta Stockholm and wearing a bun, Crown Princess Victoria holds her son, looking mutinous, on his knees. A hand in that of his father and an elbow resting on his mother's knee, Estelle is standing between them. 

The Prince Couple fight against online bullying

On Wednesday, February 1st, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia attended the launch of their podcast Raiders of likes. It is an occasion hosted by the couple's Prince Couple's foundation along with the hosts Isa Galvan and Linnea Holst.
In connection with the first episode was released there was a launch of the podcast Raiders of likes . a podcast which caters to parents and addressing various social platforms, talking parental nätjuridik, criticism and the constant pursuit of likes.

Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia(in a AHLVAR Hisako Blouse then spoke about how they themselves have been victims of näthat a swedish word for online threats. It is a legal term but not a general term and it can involve different crimes. It generally refers to abuse or bullying over internet.) and that the experience has been a driving force to help others.

The prince said among other things:

"I think most of us find it difficult to imagine life without the internet. There are so enormously positive! But as with everything, there are both bright and dark sides of the net. We ourselves have been exposed online. It has become a strong driving force to help others who are vulnerable. And that is precisely why we chose to work with this in our foundation. "

The presenters Isa Galvan and Linnea Holst highlighted how important it is to talk about social media because children and young people hanging there so much. That parents are needed, but that adults often find it difficult to understand how social media works, or how it works in practical terms because they are not online to the same extent.
Photo Credits: Kungahuset.se

Their Royal Highnesses then took part in the first recording of the podcast which will be published every Wednesday. During the podcast, Princess Sofia recalls her experience with online bullying "I can see a change, from before I met Carl-Philip, and our relationship became public, after. The first year there was an enormous hatred on the net against me as a person. It was like banging your head against a wall"  according to the newspaper Expressen. This lead at one point she decided therefore to  permanently close her Facebook account.

The Salmon rivers conference

On Wednesday, February 1st His Majesty the King participated in the conference Live salmon rivers 2.0 , which was held at the Cultural fabric in Umeå.
In August 2015 this was organized by a National Water Conference on the restoration of aquatic environments and management of especially salmon and sea trout stocks . The King attended the gathering which also then took place in Umeå.

Live salmon rivers 2.0 was a follow-up, this time with the theme of the management of fish resources for the development of sport fishing and fishing tourism.

The king opened the conference and said:

"Swedish fishing tourism has a great potential. So, how do we ensure that the fruition? An important piece of the puzzle is the management. Do we have a fishing tourism that is sustainable and which creates many jobs, yes, we must manage our salmon stocks wisely. That is: modern, adaptive and efficient. At our shores, as well as in our rivers. "

During the day, he first spoke among other rural minister Sven-Erik Bucht, Erica Mattson from Swedish Lapland Visitors Board, Ingemar Berglund, Marine and Water Authority, and Camilla Sandström, Umeå University, about the visions and paths towards a sustainable salmon and trout management.

Audience with German Chancellor

The day before, Tuesday, January 31st 2017, another European royal court had hosted another senior German dignitary. It was at the royal palace in Stockholm that King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia had received in audience German Chancellor Angela Merkel who was visiting the country. HM Queen Silvia(a German-born), in an oversized blue suit, had not missed this meeting.
Photo credits: Kungahuset

After the meeting, The King preference for urban planning and culture commissioner Roger Mogert, city planning director Anette Scheibe Lorentzi, Martin Schröder, Head of City Planning, and Vice Mayor Secretary Felix Antman Debels. During the meeting at the Royal Palace was discussed urban development issues in Stockholm.

Friday, January 27th The Queen attended the awarding of scholarships from Micael Bindefelds Foundation in memory of the Holocaust in a ceremony at the Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm. This year's winner is the composer Jacob Mühlrad. The Foundation's purpose is to promote cultural expressions that are made to tell stories of the Holocaust. This year's scholarship goes to composer Jacob Mühlradexternal link, opens in new window .

A week in the King Gustav's agenda

Monday January 9th: 
It was back to work for His Majesty King Gustav as he returned from his holidays with Queen Silvia, Princess Madeleine, her husband Chris O'Neil and their two children. His Majesty on this day attended the Society and Defence National Conference in Salen.
Photo Credits: Kungahuset.se

Wednesday January 11th:
Well rested from a well deserve break with their youngest daughter and her family, Her Majesty Queen Silvia returned to Sweden for her first joint engagement with her husband King Gustav by attending a concert at Gripsholm Castle in connection with the inauguration of the new wing.

Thursday, January 12th: Formal Audiences
The King received four newly appointed foreign ambassadors at the Royal Palace during formal audiences.
The newly appointed ambassadors of Bulgaria Ambassador Valentin Delchev Poriazov, Saudi Ambassador Abdul Aziz bin Hamoud Al-Zaid, the Somali ambassador Ali Awale Kullane and Finnish Ambassador Matti Anttonen. During this audiences, each ambassadors submits their credentials given by the Head of States to the King who then grants them the formal right to work in Sweden

After the audience with the newly credited ambassadors, His Majesty held formalaudience with the Royal Agriculture and Forestry Academy Chairman Lisa Sennerby Fosse, vice president Björn Sundell and the academy's secretary and CEO Carl-Anders Helander.

Monday January 16th: Farewell Audience His Majesty hosted a farewell audience with outgoing U.S Ambassador Azita Raji

Princess Madeleine and family joins Her parents at the Alps

It was already known that she was on holiday in the Swiss Alps at the beginning of 2017. But Princess Madeleine of Sweden confirmed this information and in the most beautiful way. The young 34 year old mother and youngest of Their Majesties's children posted on Tuesday, January 10th on her Facebook account four pictures of her children that appear to have been taken during their Swiss stay. These are accompanied by a little new year wishes from her little ones Leonore and Nicolas: "A very Happy New Year to you all from Leonore & Nicolas!" (A very happy new year For all of you on behalf of Leonore and Nicolas).

On one of the photographs, 18 months old Prince Nicolas Duke of Angermanland, standing on a wooden balcony, in an anorak and wearing a bonnet, against a backdrop of snow-capped peaks. Another picture shows the little boy, in ski suit, sitting in the snow, a wide smile illuminating his face. A photo that puts another to his older sister, Princess Leonore, 2 years and 10 months, in the same situation. Not jealous, the girl is also entitled to a second shot, this time inside. We see her drinking a chocolate with a straw. And the little greedy is really too crisp with milk froth around the mouth.

Princess Madeleine of Sweden, who lives in London, stayed during the first week of January in a ski resort of the Swiss Alps, with her husband the British-American banker Christopher O'Neill and their two children Princess Leonore and Prince Nicholas. They were accompanying her parents as H.R.H Princess Madeleine is very close to her mother. According to Swedish media, the princess spent the night at her mother the queen's bedside during her hospitalization, a little more than a week before. It is not surprising that she was also at her side when she was recovering in the Swiss mountains. And we imagine that the queen of Sweden was very happy with her youngest daughter and grandchildren Leonore and Nicolas whom she sees little in the snow. Unlike her elder sister and brother, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Carl Philip, and their respective families, Madeleine and family do not live in Stockholm but in London.

All about Drottnignholm Palace according to the Royal Family

The program series "Drottningholm Palace - one kung wonder hem" on SVT1 shown on Thursday and Friday at 18:30pm (swedish time) tells King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, King's sister Princess Christina, and Crown Princess Victoria talks about history of the Royal Castle, located twenty minutes drive from Stockholm.

In the first part of a new TV documentary that was broadcasted on SVT last Thursday night, HM Queen Silvia talks about meeting friendly ghosts, Crown Princess Victoria talks about growing and Princess Christina speaks about the first queen H at Drottningholm Palace.
In this context reveals Queen Silvia that she has seen ghosts at Drottningholm.

You will not be afraid, Her Majesty says
- There is so much history here, there are also little friends ... ghosts. They are all very friendly, but you feel sometimes that you are not alone. So come and experience it for yourself, walk around here when it's dark. It is very exciting as it sounds, from Queen Silvia in the program.

- You will not be afraid, it is a kindness, you sense. Imagine if you could tell she says.

Princess Christina reaffirms what her sister-in law say that there are ghosts in the castle.

Crown Princess Victoria talks about her childhood at the castle
From the age of three until she left home, Crown Princess Victoria with her parents, King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia, and her siblings, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Madeleine at Drottningholm Castle.

And the Swedish royal couples have still today their base at Drottningholm Castle, where Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia later celebrated their son, Prince Alexander's baptism.

Among other things, says Crown Princess Victoria who was heavily pregnant during the filming of the series about growing up in the castle.  She talks about the secret places at the palace

Secret places
In the first part of the program Princess Christina presented Drottningholm's first queen, Hedvig Eleonora, who followed the construction in the 1600s.

Crown Princess Victoria shows secret places, and King Carl Gustaf is engaged in the renovation of China castle, located in the park.

It will be no less exciting in the second part of the program series, which celebrated Christmas at Drottningholm and Queen Silvia, among other things tells about the time Santa was taken by the security guard.

Remembers his childhood
In the final part of the documentary about Drottningholm palace commemorating Crown Princess Victoria his childhood in the historic estate, which is on UNESCO's World, while princess Christina remembers how younger brother Carl Gustaf drove around in his pedal car on the castle. 

The Swedish Royal Courts: Official Photos of Prince Alexander *May 13th post

His first official portrait at the age of three days, showed him being asleep. If the five new pictures of the little prince Alexander of Sweden revealed that 13 May by the Royal House the baby always has his eyes closed, he takes revenge pose in front of the company photographer of his parents and Siri, the dog family.

Three of these images are in color. On two of them, Prince Carl Philip, in a gray suit, and the Princess Sofia, in white dress, are inside, wearing one then the other their children in their arms. The third, Sofia, is wearing a top from H&M and trousers from Tiger of Sweden, is on a garden bench, holding the couple dog, while Alexander slept peacefully on Carl Philip's lap.

Two other photographs, in black and white, complete the series. On one, we can see the infant in the arms of his mother who was in a new white dress from Lindex, the other in those of his father.

Prince Hubertus Alexander Erik Bertil of Sweden is the first child of Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia. He was born Tuesday, April 19, 2016 at 18:25 at Danderyd Hospital, commune on the outskirts of Stockholm. At his birth, he weighed 3.595 kg and measured 49 cm.

Baby Carl Philip and Sofia is the fifth grandchild of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden. These were already grandparents of two children Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel -the consort Princess Estelle, 4, and Prince Oscar, 2 months- and two children of Princess Madeleine and Christopher O ' Neill -The Princess Leonore, 2 years, and Prince Nicolas, 11 months.
Photo Credits:  Erika Gerdemark, The Royal Court, Sweden

The Swedish Royal Courts: The birthday celebration eve

In the previous days several events related to the anniversary were held in Stockholm, the festivities took on a different scale this Friday April 29th afternoon and evening. On the eve of D-Day, the royal family had gathered around the sovereign for a concert at the Nordic Museum.

In the afternoon, King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia were at the Opera of Stockholm, where they attended the Royal Artistic Academies. It was the Bernadotte Scholarship awards in honor of His Majesty 70th. Crown Princess Victoria took a leave from maternity to accompany them in a had already opted for a very elegant floral motif H & M Conscious dress. The dress is made jacquard texture with gold threads over an off-white base creates a precious layer upon which glass bead flower embroideries are applied. The jacquard fabric is made from a blend of Tencel and organic silk. The glass bead embroideries are made from recycled glass. Accessories with her nude Gianvito Rossi pumps and  ANYA HINDMARCH Gold Metallic Clutch. She was accompanied by her husband Prince Consort Daniel.

In the evening King Carl XVI Gustaf and his wife Queen Silvia, who arrived wrapped in a fur coat over her long a Blue Lace gown and the Leuchtenberg Sapphire Earrings and Brooch, arrived in a carriage drawn by horses. Really gorgeous in another H&M's Conscious Collection but this time it is a bespoke Skirt/Dress describe as a black blouse in organic mulberry silk and a jacquard woven golden skirt made of organic mulberry silk and recycled polyester  accessories with with a necklace from Balmain for H&M necklace and a new pair of earrings and bracelet shoes come from Dolce & Gabbana, Crown Princess Victoria was escorted by her husband Prince Consort Daniel and her brother Prince Carl Philip who came without his wife, Princess Sofia stayed with their baby Prince Alexander was born there just 10 days ago. Another one of their Majesties children Princess Madeleine, was also present came with her husband Christopher O'Neill and mother in law Eva O'Neill in London where they reside, was wearing a white coat with an Erdem dress, MARCHESA heels,  baroque pearl earrings and BOTTEGA VENETA clutch. The monarch could also rely, among other guests, on the presence this evening of his older sisters Princesses Birgitta, Desiree Christina and Tord Magnusson,  Countess Marianne Bernadotte,
Foreign royals include Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine of Serbia, Crown Princess Margareta(Guardian of the Romanian Crown) and Prince Radu of Romania, Princess Hisako of Takamado(Japan), HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, Germany HRH Prince Leopold of Bavaria and HRH Princess Ursula of Bavaria, HRH Prince Manuel of Bavaria and HRH Princess Anna of Bavaria.
His In-laws:
H.M. Queen Families:
Mr Thomas de Toledo Sommerlath
Mr. Patrick Sommerlath and Mrs. Maline Sommerlath
H.R.H Prince Daniels Family:
Mr. Olle Westling and Mrs. Ewa Westling
H.R.H. Princess Sofias Family:
Mr Erik Hellqvist and Mrs. Marie Hellqvist

Royal Artistic Academies





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