The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: audience

Une Semaine dans l'agenda de Sa Majeste le Roi Gustav de Suede

Lundi 9 janvier:
C'était de retour au travail pour Sa Majesté le roi Gustav comme il est revenu de ses vacances avec la Reine Silvia, la Princesse Madeleine, son mari Chris O'Neil et leurs deux enfants. Sa Majesté a assisté ce jour à la Conférence nationale de la Société et de la Défense à Salen.
Photo Credits: Kungahuset.se

Mercredi 11 janvier:
Sa Majesté la reine Silvia est retournée en Suède pour son premier engagement conjoint avec son mari le Roi Gustav en assistant à un concert au Château de Gripsholm dans le cadre de l'inauguration de la nouvelle aile.

Jeudi 12 janvier: Audiences formelles
Le roi a reçu quatre ambassadeurs étrangers nouvellement nommés au palais royal pendant les audiences formelles.
Les ambassadeurs nouvellement nommés de la Bulgarie, l'Ambassadeur Valentin Delchev Poriazov, l'Ambassadeur saoudien Abdul Aziz bin Hamoud Al-Zaid, l'Ambassadeur somalien Ali Awale Kullane et l'Ambassadeur finlandais Matti Anttonen. Au cours de ces audiences, chaque ambassadeur soumet les lettres de créance données par le Chef des Etats au Roi qui leur accorde alors le droit formel de travailler en Suède

Après l'audience avec les ambassadeurs nouvellement accrédités, Sa Majesté a tenu une audience formelle avec le président de l'Académie royale d'agriculture et de foresterie Lisa Sennerby Fosse, le vice-président Björn Sundell et le secrétaire et PDG de l'académie, Carl-Anders Helander.

Lundi 16 janvier:
Audience d'adieu
 Sa Majesté a accueilli une audience d'adieu avec l'ambassadeur sortant des États-Unis, Azita Raji

A week in the King Gustav's agenda

Monday January 9th: 
It was back to work for His Majesty King Gustav as he returned from his holidays with Queen Silvia, Princess Madeleine, her husband Chris O'Neil and their two children. His Majesty on this day attended the Society and Defence National Conference in Salen.
Photo Credits: Kungahuset.se

Wednesday January 11th:
Well rested from a well deserve break with their youngest daughter and her family, Her Majesty Queen Silvia returned to Sweden for her first joint engagement with her husband King Gustav by attending a concert at Gripsholm Castle in connection with the inauguration of the new wing.

Thursday, January 12th: Formal Audiences
The King received four newly appointed foreign ambassadors at the Royal Palace during formal audiences.
The newly appointed ambassadors of Bulgaria Ambassador Valentin Delchev Poriazov, Saudi Ambassador Abdul Aziz bin Hamoud Al-Zaid, the Somali ambassador Ali Awale Kullane and Finnish Ambassador Matti Anttonen. During this audiences, each ambassadors submits their credentials given by the Head of States to the King who then grants them the formal right to work in Sweden

After the audience with the newly credited ambassadors, His Majesty held formalaudience with the Royal Agriculture and Forestry Academy Chairman Lisa Sennerby Fosse, vice president Björn Sundell and the academy's secretary and CEO Carl-Anders Helander.

Monday January 16th: Farewell Audience His Majesty hosted a farewell audience with outgoing U.S Ambassador Azita Raji

The Bahrain Royal Courts: Crown Prince holds weekly audiences

Crown Prince of Bahrain His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalifa who is also Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister today held his weekly audiences(Majlis) at Riffa Palace.

He welcomed a broad range of visitors, including members of the royal family, senior government officials, members of the Council of Representatives and the Shura Council, members of municipal councils, prominent religious figures, academics, community leaders, journalists, and diplomats accredited to the Kingdom.

La Cour Royale Suedoise: Diner réception diplomatique au Palais Royal

Jeudi 25 Février Sa Majesté le Roi Carl XVI Gustaf et son epouse Sa Majesté la reine Silvia a organisé une réception diplomatique au Palais Royal pour nouvellement nommés ambassadeurs étrangers dans le royaume.

À quelques occasions par année, les ambassadeurs nouvellement nommés ont l'occasion respectivement à rencontrer le roi et la reine au palais royal.

La première fois que les ambassadeurs nouvellement nommés rencontre avec le roi est quand ils présentent leurs lettres de créance aux audiences formelles. A la réception diplomatique ils peuvent aussi être une chance de rencontrer la Reine, ainsi que d'autres représentants du ministère des Affaires étrangères suédois.

Cette fois, ce sont les ambassadeurs de l'Ukraine, l'Afrique du Sud et en Bosnie-Herzégovine.

Photo Credits: Kungahuset.se

King and Queen and Bosnia's ambassador Vesna Ćužić.
King and Queen and South African Ambassador Faith Doreen Radebe
King and Queen and Ukrainian Ambassador Ihor Sagach

The Swedish Royal Courts:  Diplomatic reception at the Royal Palace

Thursday February 25th His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf and Her Majesty Queen Silvia hosted a diplomatic reception at the Royal Palace for newly appointed Foreign Ambassadors to the Kingdom.

On a few occasions per year the newly appointed ambassadors have the opportunity respectively to meet the King and Queen at the Royal Palace.

The first time the newly appointed ambassadors meets with the King is when they present their credentials at the formal audiences. At the diplomatic reception they may also be a chance to meet the Queen, as well as other representatives from the Swedish Foreign Ministry.

This time it was the ambassadors from Ukraine, South Africa and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Photo Credits: Kungahuset.se

King and Queen and Bosnia's ambassador Vesna Ćužić.
King and Queen and South African Ambassador Faith Doreen Radebe
King and Queen and Ukrainian Ambassador Ihor Sagach

The Spanish Royal Courts: Her Majesty the Queen grants audiences a Zarzuela Palace

For her morning audience this Wednesday at Zarzuela Palace in Madrid, Spain Queen Letizia donned a new pink quartz coat, associating this time in gray and white.

A separate program this February 17th for both the King and Queen of Spain that we had seen the day before together in the Prado Museum. If both had their schedules hearings at Zarzuela Palace, it was actually their separate ways. For its part, Letizia received first representatives of the Foundation "Human Age Institute," which set itself the goal of making talent driving the transformation of individuals, organizations and society as a whole. Then she followed with the board of the College of Dentistry and Stomatology in the region bringing together the community of Madrid and the provinces of Avila, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, Guadalajara and Toledo. The opportunity to learn more about their activities in raising awareness of the public about the importance of the prevention of oral health, especially among young people, the elderly and sick, as well as people in positions of exclusion.

For these two successive appointments, mum of two appeared wearing the coat Hugo Boss rose quartz Pantone's Color of the Year, Rose Quartz one of the spring look we saw her wearing on January 12th, Hugo BOSS 'Jaelly' grey trousers, Margrit Leather patent pumps .
Photo Credits: Paris Match

The Swedish Royal Courts: The Sovereign couple presents medal, King Gustaf grants audiences to New Foreign ambassadors and Moldova's President

Monday February 8th, the King held an audience for Moldova's President Andrian Candu at the Royal Palace.

Friday February 5th, The King granted audience to four newly appointed foreign ambassadors at the Royal Palace during formal audiences.
The newly appointed ambassadors are Malaysia's ambassador Norlin Othman, Czech Ambassador Jiri Sitler, Cuba's Ambassador Rosario Navas Morata and the Guinean Ambassador Fatoumata Balde.

On Thursday February 4th Their Majesties King Gustaf and Queen Silvia awarded HM ​​The King's Medal and litteris et artibus at a ceremony held in the Lovisa Ulrika dining at the Royal Palace.
Photo Credits: Kungahuset.se




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