The Crown Prince Couple continue to meet asylum seekers in their visit to Torshov - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Crown Prince Couple continue to meet asylum seekers in their visit to Torshov


This Wednesday, Crown Prince Haakon together with Crown Princess Mette-Marrit to meet asylum seekers in Oslo.

She had put on comfortable flat-heeled PRADA boots and a Valentino coat, put on a hat, protected her neck with a scarf, and put a cap on her head to face the cold and snow in Oslo. On her program, a visit, with her husband Prince Haakon, of the transit center of Torshov.

The crown princely couple wished to know more about the living conditions of asylum-seekers living in this temporary accommodation of 200 places, one of the five reception centers run by Norsk Folkehjelp (Norwegian People's Aid) . They met with residents, but also volunteers from the Red Cross who organize activities for them, as well as staff members.

This visit followed those of they had two days earlier on the same theme. Mette-Marit and Haakon went to the headquarters of the UDI (Utlendingsdirektoratet), the Directorate of Immigration, in Oslo on Monday (February 13th) to learn about the way in which this administration under the Ministry of Justice his mission. This involves processing applications for visas, residence permits, citizenship and asylum from foreigners. The IDU is also responsible for the operation of reception centers and eviction cases. They then joined the offices of the UNE (Utlendingsnemnda), the Immigration Appeal Board. This state court examines, as the name suggests, appeals filed with the Immigration Branch.
Photo Credit: Paris Match

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