The Crown Prince couple spend the day with rescue dogs - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Crown Prince couple spend the day with rescue dogs


Snow and sleet was the weather which welcome this January 11th 2017  Their Royal Highness  Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Maritt of Norway. The heir and his consort visited the town of Ski, a town in the county of Akershus south of Oslo.

The Crown Princely couple had an appointment with rescue dogs, as part of the 60th anniversary of the Norske Redningshunder with motto Understand "Norwegian Rescue Dogs". This humanitarian organization, which has several sections throughout the country, trains rescue dogs (two or three years) and dog handlers, so that they can provide, on a voluntary basis and in Voluntary assistance in Norway. With approximately 1,600 members, Norske Redningshunder participates in approximately 500 person-search operations each year, whether in the wild, especially in the forest, avalanches or under disaster-related ruins.

After a presentation of the organization by its officials in their warm building, Haakon and Mette-Maritt went outside to see how the dogs were trained to obey, report or search for a person. The opportunity to get to know the border collie Nicki or the German shepherd Orax.
Photo Credits: Kongehuset.no

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