The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Norway Crown Prince

The Crown Prince couple spend the day with rescue dogs

Snow and sleet was the weather which welcome this January 11th 2017  Their Royal Highness  Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Maritt of Norway. The heir and his consort visited the town of Ski, a town in the county of Akershus south of Oslo.

The Crown Princely couple had an appointment with rescue dogs, as part of the 60th anniversary of the Norske Redningshunder with motto Understand "Norwegian Rescue Dogs". This humanitarian organization, which has several sections throughout the country, trains rescue dogs (two or three years) and dog handlers, so that they can provide, on a voluntary basis and in Voluntary assistance in Norway. With approximately 1,600 members, Norske Redningshunder participates in approximately 500 person-search operations each year, whether in the wild, especially in the forest, avalanches or under disaster-related ruins.

After a presentation of the organization by its officials in their warm building, Haakon and Mette-Maritt went outside to see how the dogs were trained to obey, report or search for a person. The opportunity to get to know the border collie Nicki or the German shepherd Orax.
Photo Credits: Kongehuset.no

Annual 2017 NHO Conference

On Jan 5th Their Royal Highnesses The Crown Prince and Crown Princess attended the annual conference of the Confederation where the green shift was the main topic.

"Made in Norway - a work for a green future" is the title of this year's conference in Spektrum, Oslo. The conference reunites both businesses, politicians and other decision makers.

One of the main goals of this year's conference is to show that it is possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while creating value and jobs.

Meeting with young leaders
During the first break, Crown Princess met with many youth leaders who attended this year's conference and received a greater insight into their perspective on the green shift. The Crown Prince also received several Norwegian companies come up to talk about how they both ensure added value and jobs in a sustainable manner. The business world is a big part of the key to get to the green shift.

In the evening their Royal Highness took part in the the traditional NHO dinner.

Here is NHO 2017 goal:
1)Lifting up businesses, natural resources, technology and people who solve problems related to population growth and greenhouse gas emissions.
2)Creating a debate about what should characterize a product, service or idea that is "Made in Norway".
3)Show that it is possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while creating value and jobs.
Discuss what kind of leadership and framework we need on the path towards a low-emission in 2050.
Photo credits: Kongehuset.no

Happy New Year 2017

Happy New Year 2017 to all my readers from across the world. I know that this post is 3 days late but better late than never. After a 6 month break from blogging due to many circumstances in my private as well as health life I am back well rested and breath fresh air. During my break, I got to meet the Norwegian Crown Prince Couple during their visit to Canada back in Nov 2016

Concerning the blog as you may have notice there is a change in the blog's link, I change the link from theroyalcourtslescourroyales to madamroyale.com with this comes new changes in the manner and way in which royal news will be reported, this year royal news will come from every corner of the world from Swaziland-Nigeria passing through Ghana, Morocco then U.K-Japan via the middle east and Jordan and then ending in Tonga. I will be working diligently in bringing royal news in the most efficient and the fastest way for every one to know what is happening in every royal home. I will also include Former Royal Households, Monarchies' news from France-Portugal, going through Germany until Russia and as well Burundi and Rwanda.
While royal news will be updated, the site will be going through remodelling at the same and hopeful by the end of the week I would be done by then.

Yours Sincerely

The Norwegian Royal Courts: Crown Prince Couple visit children in Furust

The Norwegian Crown Prince Couple HH.RR.HH Crown Prince Haakon accompanied by his beautiful wife Crown Princess Mette-Maritt visited Furust in the district of Alna in Oslo today.

Along with children from Pine Trail kindergarten, they inaugurated the new Furuset library and activity center.

It was the official opening of the new library in Furuset today that the Crown Prince Couple got a tour of the new building and met children from Pine Trail kindergarten to a conversation about books. They tried also a kind billiard together with youth.

- I think this will be a terrific gathering place, both for those who want to read and draw and for those who want to express themselves with music and dance, said HRH Crown Prince Haakon, who also visited the studio with Temor Ul Hassan and Jonas Benyoub - also known as Temoor and Shablo. Hip hop duo appeared at the opening of the library, where among others Mayor Marianne Borgen was present.

HRH Crown Princess was also impressed with the new gathering place. Faced with the press drew she said demonstrate the importance of the library during their adolescence.

Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Maritt also visited the sports facility furuset forum and Alna school - a leadership program that has given young people between 18 and 25 years training in community leadership. In 2012 His Majesty the King was also on a visit to Alna School.

Crown Princess then had a meeting with Solveig Ude. She was named the 2015 nurse of the year and is also the winner of Stine Sophie Foundation children's rights Prize for her work against violence and neglect against children.

Crown Prince couple concluded their visit at the World Park, a name that is given  to reflect the cultural diversity of the town.  P ark was finished in 2014 - in part designed for input from the community, who wanted good meeting places outdoors. An obstacle course meant to so-called parkour, is one of the elements in the park. This is a sport where one should be able to get from A to B in the most efficient way - and local youths gave Crown Prince and Crown Princess on a show.
Photo Credits: Kongehuset.no

The Norwegian Royal Courts: The Royals at Lillehammer 2016

This Saturday February 13th, the Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit were offered a day of skiing in the fresh air. They were not only accompanied by their children Ingrid Alexandra and Sverre Magnus, but also young refugees who are settled in Norway.

Crown Princess Haakon and his wife Crown Princess Mette-Marit took advantage of their presence in Lillehammer on the occasion of the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) in 2016 to make this February 13th, with their children Princess Ingrid Alexandra 12, and their son Prince Sverre Magnus 10, on the ski stadium Birkebeineren. They were expecting a group of young refugees from Afghanistan, Syria, Albania and Eritrea. They have benefited from they were discovery of skiing under the guidance of former Olympic stars, Norwegians Bjorn Daehlie and Bente Skar and the Italian Manuela di Centa. was also part of the Culture Minister Linda Hofstad Helleland.Outre cross country skiing, participants were able to try the biathlon by combining this discipline with firing laser gun, and sledding. A snack around a campfire ended the session.
Photo Credits: Paris Match

The Norwegian Royal Courts: A week in the Crown Prince Couple agenda

On Wednesday Feb 3rd the Crown Prince Couple Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Maritt organise for the fifth consecutive year over hosted the celebrations of a traditional annual celebration, Vismennenes dag 2016 at the Skaugum to reflection on the role as owner.

Vismennenes dag: It is the Young Leaders Day. Young entrepreneurs coming from different regions come together under the leadership of Haakon
For the occasion Her Royal Highness wore an ALEXANDER MC QUEEN dress.
Photo Credits: Kongehuset.no

Crown Prince couple, Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Maritt were present on February 5th when Munch Museum opened its exhibition Mapplethorpe + Munch. Never before has the two artists presented together in this way. Munch Museum continues its series of shows where Edvard Munch's works are matched with six other renowned artists. This time there are similarities and points of contact between Munch and the controversial photo artist Robert Mapplethorpe (1946-1989) explored. Munch Museum's Jon-Ove Steinhaug has curated the exhibition and presented it to Their Royal Highnesses The Crown Prince and Crown Princess. He believes there are a number of interesting similarities between the two artists.

The Norwegian Royal Courts: Crown Prince Couple in Davos, Switzerland

Crown Prince couple are guests to Davos, Switzerland this week Jan 18th-20th, where they participate in the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.  "Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution" is this year's main theme.

For over a decade now, HRH Crown Prince Haakon attended his first meeting in Davos in 2005 and has since been back attending since then. Crown Prince currently sits on the board of Young Global Leaders (YGL) for executives under 40 years, where he was a member between 2005 to 2010. HRH Crown Princess sits on the board of YGL- network for the youngest leaders, namely Global Shapers Community.
Photo Credits: Kongehuset.no




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