Happy New Year 2017 - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

Happy New Year 2017


Happy New Year 2017 to all my readers from across the world. I know that this post is 3 days late but better late than never. After a 6 month break from blogging due to many circumstances in my private as well as health life I am back well rested and breath fresh air. During my break, I got to meet the Norwegian Crown Prince Couple during their visit to Canada back in Nov 2016

Concerning the blog as you may have notice there is a change in the blog's link, I change the link from theroyalcourtslescourroyales to madamroyale.com with this comes new changes in the manner and way in which royal news will be reported, this year royal news will come from every corner of the world from Swaziland-Nigeria passing through Ghana, Morocco then U.K-Japan via the middle east and Jordan and then ending in Tonga. I will be working diligently in bringing royal news in the most efficient and the fastest way for every one to know what is happening in every royal home. I will also include Former Royal Households, Monarchies' news from France-Portugal, going through Germany until Russia and as well Burundi and Rwanda.
While royal news will be updated, the site will be going through remodelling at the same and hopeful by the end of the week I would be done by then.

Yours Sincerely

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