Liechenstein Royals host the new year receptions - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

Liechenstein Royals host the new year receptions


Senior members of the Liechtenstein Princely hosted two new year's reception at Schloss Vaduz on January 12th. About 500 guests which included members of the diplomatic corps were first welcome at the first receptions by Prince Hans-Adam II and wife Princess Marie, together with their son Hereditary Prince Alois and dauughter in law Hereditary Princess Sophie as well as grand-son Prince Nikolaus and Prince Alois' sister Princess Margaretha at the Princely residence. Then next members of governments, justice, mayors, people with princely titles, those awarde Order of Merit, senior public officials and representatives of associations and organisation and many others wre received.

You can look at photos of the event on Vaterland

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