The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Liechenstein

Liechenstein Royals host the new year receptions

Senior members of the Liechtenstein Princely hosted two new year's reception at Schloss Vaduz on January 12th. About 500 guests which included members of the diplomatic corps were first welcome at the first receptions by Prince Hans-Adam II and wife Princess Marie, together with their son Hereditary Prince Alois and dauughter in law Hereditary Princess Sophie as well as grand-son Prince Nikolaus and Prince Alois' sister Princess Margaretha at the Princely residence. Then next members of governments, justice, mayors, people with princely titles, those awarde Order of Merit, senior public officials and representatives of associations and organisation and many others wre received.

You can look at photos of the event on Vaterland

The Swedish Royal Courts: Guess The Sovereign Heads in Sweden

Dressed in evening dresses for ladies, tuxedos for the gentlemen, they are aligned in the main staircase. Each in his place, according to the protocol. All smiled at the goal time for a historical snapshot. One of the official photo of the gala dinner of the 70 years of King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden.

At the bottom, was the hero of the day, Carl XVI Gustaf and his wife Queen Silvia. On the walk from the top, between them, Queen Margrethe II of Denmark and to her right, the President of the Republic of Iceland Olafur Ragnar Grimsson and his wife Dorrit Moussaieff. Next row, the Belgian King Philippe and Queen Mathilde alongside the Sovereign Prince Albert II of Monaco and the former Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, followed by the Finnish President Sauli Niinistö and his wife Jenni Haukio between which slides Queen Margarita of Bulgaria the wife of former king Simeon II. Then just behind her, on the same level as Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark and his wife Crown Princess Mary, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and her husband Prince Consort Daniel, and finally the Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein and wife Princess Sophie.

Fifth, were placed the two children of the Swedish royal couple Prince Carl Philip and Princess Madeleine. Beside her husband Christopher O'Neill, while her older brother was solo, Princess Sofia stayed with their baby Prince Alexander born on 19 April. Carl Philip on his right the Crown Princess Margareta of Romania. The latter's husband, Prince Radu, is positioned right behind her. It is on the same course as the Princess Christina -one of Carl XVI Gustaf sisters, Crown Prince Alexander, pretender to the Serbia throne and his wife Crown Katherina, Princess Benedikte of Denmark -the sister of Queen Margrethe II, the Princess Hisako Takamado -the widow of a cousin of Emperor Akihito- and  Prince Andreas of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.

The penultimate row is occupied by family members of the King and Queen of Sweden. Either from left to right: Thomas and Ralf de Toledo Sommerlath -the nephew and the elder brother of the Queen Silvia-the Consul General Tord Magnuson -l'époux Christina- of the princess, the other three sisters princesses Birgitta and Desiree, and the husband of the latter Baron Niclas Silfverschiöld. The group photo is dominated by the parents of spouses of Victoria princesses and Madeleine and Prince Carl Philip of Sweden Ewa and Olle Westling, the parents of Prince Consort Daniel, Mary and Erik Hellqvist, those of Sofia Princess and Eva Maria O'Neill, Christopher's mother.

King Harald V of Norway and Queen Sonja were to participate in this birthday dinner as well as their son Crown Prince Haakon and his wife Mette-Marit Princess. They canceled their visit to their Swedish neighbors to visit with families of victims of a helicopter crash connecting oil platforms in the North Sea, which occurred on 29 April in western Norway that killed 13 occupants of the aircraft.
Photo Credits: Paris Match

Diadèmes et robes de soiree a Stockholm

 Trois reines -Silvia de la Suède, Mathilde de Belgique et Margrethe II du Danemark, une ancienne reine Beatrix des Pays-Bas- trois princesses -Couronne Princesse Victoria, Princesse héritière Mary du Danemark et de la princesse Sophie de LIECHTENSTEIN et plusieurs autres princesses d'autres régnant et non régnantes familles comme Princesse héréditaire Kelly de Saxe-Cobourg et Gotha. Ils étaient nombreux samedi avril usure 30 du soir diadèmes au Palais Royal de Stockholm pour la marque la fin des célébrations orchestrées pour le 70e anniversaire du roi de Suède le dîner de gala.

Les filles du célébrant, la princesse héritière Victoria et la princesse Madeleine à Rose d'argent ont été éblouissante, comme d'habitude, dans leurs robes de soirée avec la princesse héritière en robe de dentelle ELIE SAAB Melrose, ELIE SAAB Embrayage avec la princesse Lilian Laurel Wreath Tiara, Princesse Madeleine était vu avec son moderne Fringe Tiara et robe Elie Saab déjà vu à son dîner pré-mariage et porté par sa sœur aînée l'année dernière. Elle jumelé avec un favori tiara- de la reine Silvia Fringe Tiara et portait pour la première fois les boucles d'oreilles Epaulette. Sur son poignet gauche, elle portait Diamond Bracelet préférée de la princesse Lilian, elle a un très semblable à elle, mais les paillettes sont dans un motif chevon rayé avec une double face. Un côté a des rayures horizontales et l'autre a une forme de V rayures. Ses chaussures semblent être de Jimmy Choo. Reine Mathilde de Belgique et la Princesse Martha-Louise de Norvège avaient tous deux opté pour des robes à encolure asymétrique, plissée mauve et marque Armani Privé, avec le diamant tiare Wolfers, bracelets de diamants et de deux (un sur chaque bras) pour la reine, fleurs blanches en argent par ByMAGMALOU pour la princesse norvégienne. Quant à la princesse héritière Mary du Danemark était dans une robe à fleurs, par marque danoise Yde a refusé des nuances de blanc, gris et jaune et Ole Lynggaard Aigrette postiche, Gianvito Rossi Pompes, Saint Laurent d'embrayage.

Pour la génération précédente, la reine Silvia dans une nouvelle robe rouge et porte le Connaught Tiara avec ses boucles d'oreilles modernes Diamond Flower. Elle semble porter un collier de diamants et de la reine Margrethe II en bleu pâle avait favorisé une apparence unifiée avec son Diadèmes Baden Palmette. En outre, l'ancienne reine Beatrix escorté par le prince Albert II de Monaco, elle démarquée avec une robe originale en paisley blanc, rouge et or et le Diadèmes Wurtemberg Ornement Perle .
Autres Mesdames et leur Tiaras:

  • Héréditaire princesse Sophie de Liechtenstein: Diadèmes Habsburg Fringe 
  • Princesse Benedikte: Diadèmes Star de la Reine Sophia et Pearl (smart, comme sa sœur portant un diadème avec une connexion suédoise) (non pas que il y a que beaucoup de diadèmes danoises qui ne disposent pas d'une connexion suédoise ...)
  • Princesse Margarita de Roumanie avec son Diadèmes Roumain Grec Key 
  • Princesse Margaretha (vu que brièvement) était avec le Diadèmes suédois Aquamarine kokoshnik
  • Princesse Désirée: Sa Diadèmes personnelle, un morceau de la reine Louise de diamant
  • Princesse Birgitta: Diadèmes Baden Fringe
  • Princesse Hisako de Takamado: Elle a quelques diadèmes, celui-ci est un style diamant bandeau qu'elle est porté avant
  • Princesse Katherine de Serbie: Un certain nombre de diamants que je crois qu'elle est porté avant
  • Princesse Héréditaire Kelly et le Diadèmes Saxe-Cobourg et Gotha Turquoise,

Photo Credits: Paris Match

Tiaras and Evening gowns descend in Sweden

 Three queens -Silvia of Sweden, Mathilde of Belgium and Margrethe II of Denmark, a former queen Beatrix of Netherlands- three princesses -Crown Princess Victoria, Crown Princess Mary of Denmark and Princess Sophie of Liechtenstein- and several other princesses of other reigning and non reigning families like Hereditary Princess Kelly of  Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. They were many Saturday April 30 evening wear tiaras at the Royal Palace in Stockholm for the gala dinner marking the end of orchestrated celebrations for the 70th anniversary of the king of Sweden.

The daughters of the celebrant, the Crown Princess Victoria and Princess Madeleine in Rose silver were dazzling, as usual, in their evening gowns with Crown Princess in ELIE SAAB Melrose Lace Dress, ELIE SAAB Clutch with the Princess Lilian's Laurel Wreath Tiara, Princess Madeleine was seen with her Modern Fringe Tiara and Elie Saab dress previously seen at her Pre-Wedding Dinner and worn by her elder sister last year. She paired it with a favorite tiara- Queen Silvia's Fringe Tiara and wore for the first time the Epaulette Earrings. On her left wrist she wore Princess Lilian's favorite Diamond Bracelet, she has one very similar to it but the sequins are in a chevon striped pattern with a double sided. One side has horizontal stripes and the other has a V shaped stripes. Her shoes appear to be from Jimmy Choo. Queen Mathilde of Belgium and Princess Martha-Louise of Norway both had opted for dresses with asymmetrical neckline, pleated purple and branded Armani Privé, with the Wolfers diamond tiara, diamond bracelets and two (one on each arm) for the Queen, white flowers in silver by ByMAGMALOU for the Norwegian Princess. As for Crown Princess Mary of Denmark was in a flowered dress, by Danish brand Yde declined shades of white, gray and yellow and the Ole Lynggaard Aigrette hairpiece, Gianvito Rossi Pumps, Saint Laurent Clutch.

For the previous generation, the Queen Silvia in a new red dress and is wearing the Connaught Tiara with her modern Diamond Flower earrings. She appears to be wearing a diamond necklace and Queen Margrethe II in pale blue had favored a unified look with her Baden Palmette Tiara. Also, the former queen Beatrix escorted by Prince Albert II of Monaco she demarcated with an original dress in white paisley, red and gold and Württemberg Ornate Pearl Tiara.
Other Ladies and their Tiaras:

  • Hereditary Princess Sophie of Liechtenstein: Habsburg Fringe Tiara
  • Princess Benedikte: Queen Sophia's Star and Pearl Tiara (smart, like her sister wearing a tiara with a Swedish connection) (not that there are that many Danish tiaras that don't have a Swedish connection...)
  • Crown Princess Margarita of Romania with her Romanian Greek Key Tiara 
  • Princess Margaretha (seen only briefly) was with the Swedish Aquamarine Kokoshnik
  • Princess Désirée: Her personal tiara, a diamond piece from Queen Louise
  • Princess Birgitta: Baden Fringe Tiara
  • Princess Hisako of Takamado: She has a few tiaras, this one is a diamond bandeau style she's worn before
  • Crown Princess Katherine of Serbia: A diamond number that I believe she's worn before
  • Hereditary Princess Kelly and the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Turquoise Tiara,




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