Diplomatic Corps receptions accredited to Spain - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

Diplomatic Corps receptions accredited to Spain


The ceremony was scheduled this Thursday, January 26th but this did not prevent Queen Letizia of Spain from donning an evening dress. To receive, at the beginning of the year at the Royal Palace in Madrid, all representatives of the Diplomatic Corps accredited in Spain, in the presence of her husband King Felipe VI, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Alfonso Dastis, the Dona was in gala dress, whatever the time.

For this traditional new year reception, the wife of the Spanish sovereign had once again red dress Felipe Varela with lace sleeves and skirt, embroidered with floral patterns on the body in tone-on-tone lace. A sumptuous piece she had already worn, for the same occasion, in 2013 when she was still only Princess of Asturias. If at the time Letizia had left her hair detached, this year the Queen of Spain had chosen to give more solemnity to her look by wearing a braided bun which show off and premiered her red earrings jewelry from Parfois. On her feet where her red burgundy Suede pumps by Magrit

The royal couple first saluted, in the Saleta Gasparini, the ambassadors and other diplomats representing their countries in Spain. After the speeches in the Throne Room, King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia and their guests joined the Column Hall where the reception was held.
Photo Credits: Paris Match/Casareal.es

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