The Fairy Godmother Duchess of Cornwall and her visit to Scotland - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Fairy Godmother Duchess of Cornwall and her visit to Scotland


Earlier today the Duchess of Cornwall was at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. The wife of Prince Charles also known as Duchess of Rothesay whilst Scotland was at the campus to open their newest Rowett building in her capacity as Chancellor.

The building which holds the pioneering Institute of Nutrition and Health and saw her engaging in talks with faculty members as well as students. Also on campus, she attended a reception in support of OsteoporosisSoc and ArthritisRUK as she is patron of both association.

Monday January 16th

She was easily facially recognized, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall was part virtually in a video posted on Monday January 16th 2017 by BBC Radio 2. Her character appears at the 7th second of the animation clip of barely less than 'one minute. And appears is the term to use. Like a fairy, the Duchess of Cornwall materializes magically, with a dust of stars.
The scene takes place in a street lined with houses. At the window of one of them, a little boy seems to be bored. But fortunately the duchess comes to his rescue and, as a fairy, she sends him the bird she holds on her fist, a red and yellow owl wearing a very British bowler hat. Which will lead the child into a world of adventures populated by boats of pirates, dragons, rockets, ogres, super heroes or gingerbread man.

The presence of the step-mother of Princes William and Harry in this short film is not trivial. The objective is to launch in a fun way the annual writing competition for children aged 5 to 13 organized by British radio BBC Radio 2 and named "500 words" ("500 words"), the maximum size of The work of fiction which they must compose. Camilla, who is very committed to promoting literacy among young people - notably as a sponsor of the charity National Literacy Trust - sponsors this event and will be a judge of honor this year.

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