The Blog's news and my continuous battle with depression and talks about mental health - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Blog's news and my continuous battle with depression and talks about mental health


Hey Readers,
For the last couple of weeks, most readers will have notice that royal news has not been updated. I am actually writing this while at the office as this is my last working there.

For a couple of years now, I have been battling the biggest demon in my health and in my life called depression and for the a couple of years now I was able to reign in the demons without having any issues it does comes and goes but the last couple weeks it has relapse bringing in its head full blown and has been affecting my professional career and everything surrounding me.

The hatred and huge critic towards myself has grown full blown for a while now and has been a dapper on my spirit and my work ethic has been affected. Over the years, self harming and suicidal thoughts were my biggest fans but with the help of psychologist, meditation and reading I was able to reign it in.

Stigma over mental illness is still very strong around the world and every day many people commit suicide due to it. Many of our favorite royals are huge advocates to ending the stigma surrounding it. One of the them being HRH Catherine the Duchess of Cambridge has make it her mission to end the stigma among children and youth. Many others like Crown Princess Mary of Denmark through her Foundation Mary Foden fights to end the stigma in Denmark. I am absolutely grateful that this ladies raised their voices

For the next months, I will be taking the time off meaning the blog may be updated once or twice a month, I will still be available to discuss about Mental Illness, Health, my journey back to a healthy self and the Royal Families on social media Facebook, Twitter.

Coming September the blog will also be part of my newest ventures called Madam Royale still under the same name and very thing will be the same

How to get help
Calling a Crisis Centre is the right thing to do if you are in crisis, or if you need support for someone you know. Trained professionals are available 24 hours a day.

Please select your region from the list on the right and select a crisis centre closest to you. If you cannot find a crisis centre near you, any of the 24 hour toll free numbers in your province will be able to help.

Other information for each centre is also listed. Postal and email addresses are provided for administrative contact, not crisis purposes.

Crisis Centres are located across Canada in communities of all sizes. Many offer telephone support 24 hours a day, and most are associated with professional counselors.

If you or someone you know may be experiencing signs of suicidal risk, seek contact with any centre as soon as possible, even to discuss whether or not a real risk exists. They are there to listen and are experienced in dealing with these real issues.

You do not need to call the closest centre, but you may want to establish contact with one that suits you based on the list. A crisis centre can help you find the most suitable resource for you.

View our list of crisis centres, or call your local clinic, mental health centre, hospital, doctor or emergency number and ask for assistance in connecting to a crisis centre.

Making the call is an important first step that can save a life.

Or you or them can check your or their provincial crisis line:
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island

Thanks for your understanding,
Yours Truly
Zef Dahlia

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