The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Det Koninglief Hoff

Happy New Year 2017

Happy New Year 2017 to all my readers from across the world. I know that this post is 3 days late but better late than never. After a 6 month break from blogging due to many circumstances in my private as well as health life I am back well rested and breath fresh air. During my break, I got to meet the Norwegian Crown Prince Couple during their visit to Canada back in Nov 2016

Concerning the blog as you may have notice there is a change in the blog's link, I change the link from theroyalcourtslescourroyales to madamroyale.com with this comes new changes in the manner and way in which royal news will be reported, this year royal news will come from every corner of the world from Swaziland-Nigeria passing through Ghana, Morocco then U.K-Japan via the middle east and Jordan and then ending in Tonga. I will be working diligently in bringing royal news in the most efficient and the fastest way for every one to know what is happening in every royal home. I will also include Former Royal Households, Monarchies' news from France-Portugal, going through Germany until Russia and as well Burundi and Rwanda.
While royal news will be updated, the site will be going through remodelling at the same and hopeful by the end of the week I would be done by then.

Yours Sincerely

The Norwegian Royal COurts: Crown Princess Mette-Maritt in Tanzania

We may have last seen her a couple of weeks ago but Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mette Maritt visited the East African country Tanzania today to assess progress made in eliminating mother-to-child transmission of HIV and to see how young people are engaging in the country’s AIDS response.

 "It is moving to meet mothers who are in good health and caring for children born free from HIV thanks to antiretroviral medicines,” said Crown Princess Mette-Marit. “It is also particularly rewarding for me to see young people taking up leadership roles in the AIDS response and being equipped with the skills to guide the United Republic of Tanzania towards an AIDS-free generation."

During her visit, the future Queen visited facilities providing services for women and young people living with HIV and also met with mothers living with HIV whose children have been born free from the virus. She went to one of the 26 PASADA (Pastoral Activities and Services for People with AIDS Dar es Salaam Archdiocese) clinics operating in the Dar es Salaam and Pwani regions that provide HIV prevention, treatment and support services for people and communities most in need. She met with youth activists and engage in taking part in activities at the Stepping Stones Community of Practice, which offers life-skills training for adolescents and young people, including comprehensive sexuality education and programmes relating to HIV and gender equality.

 Crown Princess Mette-Marit has been engaged in the AIDS response since 2003 and advocates for the empowerment of women and young people at events and speaking engagements all over the world.
Photo Credits: Kongehuset.no

La Cour Royale Norvegienne: La Princesse Heritiere en travialle humanitaire en Tanzanie

Nous avions peut être vue pour la dernière fois il y a un couple de semaines, mais Son Altesse Royale la Princesse heritiere Mette- Maritt etait en visité humanitaire dans le pays d'Afrique de l'Est en Tanzanie aujourd'hui pour évaluer les progrès accomplis dans l'élimination de la transmission du VIH de la mère à l'enfant et de voir comment les jeunes se livrent dans le la riposte au sida du pays.

 "Il est émouvant de rencontrer les mères qui sont en bonne santé et les soins pour les enfants nés sans le VIH grâce aux médicaments antirétroviraux», a déclaré la princesse héritière Mette-Marit. "Il est aussi particulièrement gratifiant pour moi de voir les jeunes assument des rôles de leadership dans la riposte au sida et étant doté des compétences pour guider la République-Unie de Tanzanie vers une génération sans sida ".

Au cours de sa visite, la future reine a visité des installations fournissant des services pour les femmes et les jeunes vivant avec le VIH et a également rencontré des mères vivant avec le VIH dont les enfants sont nés sans le virus. Elle est allée à l'un des 26 pasada (Activités et services de pastorale pour les personnes atteintes du SIDA Dar es-Salaam) Archidiocèse cliniques opérant dans Dar es-Salaam et régions Pwani qui offrent des services de prévention, de traitement et de soutien du VIH pour les personnes et les communautés les plus dans le besoin. Elle a rencontré des jeunes militants et d'engager à participer à des activités au Stepping Stones Communauté de pratique, qui offre une formation en dynamique de la vie pour les adolescents et les jeunes, y compris l'éducation sexuelle globale et des programmes relatifs au VIH et à l'égalité des sexes.

 Princesse héritière Mette-Marit a été engagé dans la riposte au sida depuis 2003 et plaide pour l'autonomisation des femmes et des jeunes à des événements et des allocutions dans le monde entier.
Photo Credits: Kongehuset.no

The Norwegian Royal Courts: Youth Entrepreneur seminar with the Crown Prince Couple

This March 31st, the future Norwegian Queen consort attended a panel discussion dealing with youth and entrepreneurship. Attending the event with her husband Crown Prince Haakon, appearing, a navy blue coat over her shoulders, in the same color pants worn with a white top with chimney collar and gathered cuffs and sneakers in scarlet cloth with white soles feet.

The Crown Prince Couple attended the event as part of their partnership with the Vibro association. Bringing together young people from different backgrounds of the multicultural Norway, it is supported for three years by the Fund of the prince and the princess heirs. Its objective is that all young people are socially responsible, have confidence in themselves and realize their full potential.
Photo Credit: Paris MAttch

LA Cour Royale Norvegienne: Le concert musicale avec la princesse heritiere

Direction la salle de concert Sentralen d'Oslo pour la Princesse héritière Mette-Marit, le 30 Mars. Le futur époux de Reine était prévu pour le lancement du festival Risor Chamber Music 2016. Ce festival est un festival en plein air organisée par une fondation à but non lucratif dans le but d'améliorer la vie musicale et culturelle dans Risor et la région environnante.

Le jeune de 43 ans mère de 3 avait choisi pour l'occasion de se habiller dans une robe grise en tweed Valentino, accessoirisé avec un petit embrayage et GIANVITO ROSSI Pompes.

La princesse héritière Mette-Marit est marraine de ce festivale musicale annuelle, créée en 1991.

The Norwegian Royal Courts: A taste of chamber music with Crown Princess Mette-Marit

Direction Oslo Sentralen concert hall in Oslo for Crown Princess Mette-Marit, this March 30th. The future Queen consort was expected for the launch of the 2016 Risor Chamber Music festival. This festival is an open air festival organized by a non profit foundation for the purpose of enhancing the musical and cultural life in Risor and the surrounding region.

The young 43 year old mother of 3 had chosen for the occasion to dress in a grey Valentino tweed dress, accessorized with a small clutch and GIANVITO ROSSI Pumps.

Crown Princess Mette-Marit is patron this annual musical event, created in 1991. 

La Cour Royal Norvegienne: SAR le Prince Heritier Haakon a la commemoration du Jour du Souvenir

Son Altesse Royale le Prince héritier Haakon plus tôt ce matin a assisté à la commémoration du jour du Souvenir et a déposé une gerbe au mémorial de la tombée dans le mémorial de la forteresse d'Akershus à Oslo. Après la cérémonie, le prince héritier a assisté à un service commémoratif à l'église Château Akershus
Photo Credits: Kongehuset.no




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