For her first engagement, The Countess of Wessex meets with the Fifth Rifle - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

For her first engagement, The Countess of Wessex meets with the Fifth Rifle


For her first engagement of the year H.R.H the Countess of Wessex in a her capacity to Royal Colonel of the 5th Battalion The Rifles at the Ward Barracks, Bulford.

She became Royal Colonel of 5 Rifles after the Infantry's reorganisation paid them a visit on January 11th following their return from Germany.
During her visit, she visited Kiwi Primary School which is on the base and spoke with their young students
She visited the Mess(a place where families on the base come together to discuss and meet up) and discuss with the families as well as carried the little ones

After that she took a tour of some of the equipment which is used by the officers.

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