The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: norwegian style

The Crown Prince Couple continue to meet asylum seekers in their visit to Torshov

This Wednesday, Crown Prince Haakon together with Crown Princess Mette-Marrit to meet asylum seekers in Oslo.

She had put on comfortable flat-heeled PRADA boots and a Valentino coat, put on a hat, protected her neck with a scarf, and put a cap on her head to face the cold and snow in Oslo. On her program, a visit, with her husband Prince Haakon, of the transit center of Torshov.

The crown princely couple wished to know more about the living conditions of asylum-seekers living in this temporary accommodation of 200 places, one of the five reception centers run by Norsk Folkehjelp (Norwegian People's Aid) . They met with residents, but also volunteers from the Red Cross who organize activities for them, as well as staff members.

This visit followed those of they had two days earlier on the same theme. Mette-Marit and Haakon went to the headquarters of the UDI (Utlendingsdirektoratet), the Directorate of Immigration, in Oslo on Monday (February 13th) to learn about the way in which this administration under the Ministry of Justice his mission. This involves processing applications for visas, residence permits, citizenship and asylum from foreigners. The IDU is also responsible for the operation of reception centers and eviction cases. They then joined the offices of the UNE (Utlendingsnemnda), the Immigration Appeal Board. This state court examines, as the name suggests, appeals filed with the Immigration Branch.
Photo Credit: Paris Match

The Norwegian Crown Prince Couple visited the UDI and UNE

A duo meetings with her husband, this Monday, February 13th 2017, for Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway in Oslo. They conducted two visits on the same theme: that of asylum seekers.

CPrincess Mette-Marit, who had dressed in a Fringed Jacquard Jacket and a Mouseline Pleated Skirt both by French brand Chloé and YVONNE KONE heels, and CP Haakon first went to the headquarters of UDI (Utlendingsdirektoratet). They inquired about the way in which this administration under the Ministry of Justice carries out its mission. This involves processing applications for visas, residence permits, citizenship and asylum from foreigners. The IDU is also responsible for the operation of reception centers and eviction cases. The royal couple then joined the offices of the UNE (Utlendingsnemnda), the Immigration Appeal Board. This state court examines, as the name suggests, appeals filed with the Immigration Branch.

The subject of asylum seekers remains on the agenda of the Crown Prince couple this week. They planned to visit the Torshov Transit Center in Oslo on Wednesday February 15th 2017. They must meet with staff and asylum seekers.
Photo Credits: Kongehuset

Crown Princess Mette-Marit holding a jackhammer on a construction

During the visit of a reintegration enterprise, Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway did not hesitate to join the workers, jack hammer in hand.

A blue helmet on the head, a protective mask on the nose and mouth, a fluorescent orange public work jacket and a jackhammer in hand. Difficult to imagine that the person photographed in Oslo on Wednesday January 25th 2017 breaking a cement floor is the future queen consort of Norway. And yet, it was indeed the Crown Princess who had slipped that day into the skin of the workers she had come to meet.

The wife of Crown Prince Haakon had an appointment in connection with the social enterprise Monsterbedriften AS. Specializing in bath works - demolition, decontamination of asbestos, coring, heat treatment, etc. - it employs the reintegration of people who, for various reasons, find it difficult to find a traditional job.

Dressed in a pullover, a black jacket and trousers, sneakers on her feet, Mette-Marit did not just talk to these second chance employees on one of their yards. The daughter-in-law of King Harald V and Queen Sonja wanted to better understand the tasks they are carrying out, using a jackhammer. On the same day, she posed on her account Instagram a snapshot of this visit, indicating in the legend to have rubbed shoulders with "wonderful people".
Photo Credits: Paris Match

The crazy faces of Crown Princess Mette-Maritt during the Volleyball Championships finale

Last Saturday, January 14th 2017, Crown Princess Mette-Marit accompanied her husband Crown Prince Haakon to Ekeberghallen, a Oslo sports hall, for the final of the men's volleyball championship. And the heir to the Norwegian throne attended to give out the winning team.

Sitting in the stands beside her husband, the Crown Princess literally was in the game and had her moments during the match between the Viking team from Bergen, in the south of the country, and that of Tromso, in the north. Taken in pictures several times, the mother of 3 was watching the game with passion, while Haakon remained calm. It must be that the Crown Princess played volleyball in her youth, having also been a coach for this sport.

For this sporting event, which saw the victory of the players of Tromso, the Crown Princess Mette-Marit was dressed in a relax mode. Having opted for a casual outfit, she chose to put on a pair of jeans and a blue zipped sports jacket that she wore on a white sweater. She had put on a pair of sneakers and had worn her hair.

The day before, Mette-Marit had published an open letter on Kongehust(the Royal Court of Norway)'s website on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of her son Marius Borg Hoiby. Her love for the eldest of her three children, born before her meeting with Haakon from Norway, she asked some media to let him live a quiet life, while the young man made the choice to lead a life outside Of the public scene.

The Noorwegian Royal Courts: Matrons of the Norwegian Telethon

Queen Sonja of Norway and her daughter-in-law Crown Princess Mette-Marit are joining hands in patroning this year's Norwegian telethon concert to benefit the Red Cross.

The place was very appropriate for Queen Sonja and Crown Princess Mette-Marit were seen sitting this Monday, April 25th on the red bench that sits in the Royal Palace in Oslo park to meet the press, it is in no way a coincidence. This bench is one of those that the Red Cross has installed in 2015 in various public places in Norway, to break the loneliness encouraging people who sit there to discuss them. But just what is the Red Cross whose wife of King Harald V and that of Crown Prince Haakon came to talk.

Already together last week on April 19th to participate in a waste collection with volunteers in a city of northern seaside, Queen Sonja and Crown Princess Mette-Marit were again found side by side in front of the flashes of photographers or the microphones of journalists for a good cause. The two women, who chose to wear casual outfits for this appointment media, were there to announce that sponsoring concert the next edition of the Norwegian Telethon in October 2016. Which one will see its fundraising for the Red Cross Norwegian -Red. The money raised will go to help the people affected by the war in Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Myanmar, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, as well as refugees received in Norway.

Launched in 1974, the Norwegian Telethon titled "TV-aksjonen" is dedicated each year to a different cause. Norwegians participate generously. For example, for each of the editions of 2013 and 2014, a sum equivalent to more than € 200 million had
Photo Credit: Paris Match/Kongehuset.no




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