The Norwegian Crown Prince Couple visited the UDI and UNE - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Norwegian Crown Prince Couple visited the UDI and UNE


A duo meetings with her husband, this Monday, February 13th 2017, for Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway in Oslo. They conducted two visits on the same theme: that of asylum seekers.

CPrincess Mette-Marit, who had dressed in a Fringed Jacquard Jacket and a Mouseline Pleated Skirt both by French brand Chloé and YVONNE KONE heels, and CP Haakon first went to the headquarters of UDI (Utlendingsdirektoratet). They inquired about the way in which this administration under the Ministry of Justice carries out its mission. This involves processing applications for visas, residence permits, citizenship and asylum from foreigners. The IDU is also responsible for the operation of reception centers and eviction cases. The royal couple then joined the offices of the UNE (Utlendingsnemnda), the Immigration Appeal Board. This state court examines, as the name suggests, appeals filed with the Immigration Branch.

The subject of asylum seekers remains on the agenda of the Crown Prince couple this week. They planned to visit the Torshov Transit Center in Oslo on Wednesday February 15th 2017. They must meet with staff and asylum seekers.
Photo Credits: Kongehuset

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