The British Royal Courts: The Obamas meet with Her Majesty - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The British Royal Courts: The Obamas meet with Her Majesty


She and the Duke of Edinburgh stayed back at Windsor Castle following the previous night festivites. The next they welcome the U.S Presidential Couple with whom they held a private lunch to continue the party.
If the service responsible for protecting the president Barack Obama were usually particularly reluctant to see them go up in a non-armored car, he made an exception Friday for the Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip who was seen driving a black 4x4 Range Rover to greet Obama at the descent of their helicopter near Windsor Castle.

"I must say I've never been led by a Duke of Edinburgh before. I can say it was a smooth ride," then said Obama at a joint press conference with Prime British Prime Minister David Cameron. The queen is really "one of the people I like," said he also told wishing him a happy birthday again.

Barack and Michelle Obama took up no frills in the vehicle, the president was at the front to the side of Prince Philip while his wife rode in the back with the queen. They then joined Windsor Castle where they had lunch together to celebrate 90 candles of the queen, she puffed Thursday.

As a birthday gift, the White House said that Obama had offered Her Majesty  "a personalized photo album of his various visits to the United States, showing his meetings with American presidents and their wives." "This series of historical photos in the album highlights the close and lasting friendship between the US and the UK," said the White House.

Photo Credits: Paris Match

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