The British Royal Courts: Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip and The York at Sandringham - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The British Royal Courts: Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip and The York at Sandringham


Whilst still staying at the residence in Sandringham in the Norfolk county this January, Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Prince Philip can count on every Sunday of the members of the royal family to accompany them to Mass. This January 24, it was the turn of Prince Andrew Duke of York and his youngest daughter Princess Eugenie.

After a break last week in the nearby village of Hillington, Queen Elizabeth II has returned to the path of Sandringham church for Sunday service. And while on January 17 it was in the company, in addition to her husband the Duke of Edinburgh, his nephew David Armstrong-Jones, Viscount Linley and wife of Irish origin Serena Stanhope, this Sunday it was alongside one of the couple children Prince Andrew Duke of York, one of her granddaughters, Princess Eugenie, she was photographed getting into her car. While her grandmother wore a royal pink coat powder like her white checkered hat, the younger daughter of Prince Andrew Duke of York, also present that day, wore a white coat and a purple bug.

Three days earlier, the sovereign, turquoise blue, had preferred his Range Rover to go as every year at this time at a meeting of the Sandringham section of WI(the British women's institute, largest organization of women in the United Kingdom), of which she is a member since 1943 ....
Photo Credits: Paris Match

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