The British Royal Courts: Another Sunday service at Sandringham - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The British Royal Courts: Another Sunday service at Sandringham


This January 17, Her Majesty and the Duke of Edinburgh were accompanied by David Viscount Linley and his wife Serena for Sunday's service.
While she stays in her Sandringham estate in Norfolk, Queen Elizabeth II usually attends the Sunday church service in the village church. But on Sunday, the sovereign, dressed in a peach color together and topped with a coordinated hat with feathers, instead attended service at Hillington.
As usual, Prince Philip was with his wife. But it could also count on the presence at this Mass of another family member. In this case his nephew David Armstrong-Jones, Viscount Linley, who came with his wife Serena Stanhope. 54 years old, he is the son of her sister Princess Margaret, died in 2002. The daughter of Margaret, Lady Sarah Chatto, was with Elizabeth II and the British royal family for Christmas Mass on 25 December Sandringham.
Photo credits: Paris Match

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