The Royal Houses of Bourbon-Parme: A new heir to the House, Welcome Prince Carlos Junior - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Royal Houses of Bourbon-Parme: A new heir to the House, Welcome Prince Carlos Junior


The birth was announced by the Dutch press for the month of May. But it is actually at the end of April that the third child of Prince Carlos Javier and Princess Annemarie of Bourbon-Parma -one of nephews to former Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and cousin of the current king Willem-Alexander-pointed came to the world. The baby, a boy, was born on Sunday, April 24th at the Haga Juliana maternity  in The Hague. Named Carlos Enrique Leonard, he is the first son of the royal couple, already parents of two girls, Princesses Irene and Luisa Cecilia  respectively aged 4 years and 2 ½ years.

A political reporter in The Hague,  Princess Annemarie, born Gualtherie van Weezel, is 38 years old. She married in 2010 the Prince Carlos Javier of Bourbon-Parma. Aged 46, he is the eldest of four children of Princess Irene of the Netherlands -one of the sisters of the former Queen Beatrix- and Charles Hugues de Bourbon- Parma died in 2010.

Another baby arrival is expected in the Dutch royal family. Princess Viktoria , wife of Prince Jaime de Bourbon-Parma, the other son of Princess Irene of the Netherlands, is pregnant with her second child. Her pregnancy was revealed in early November, 2015.

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