The Spanish Royal Courts: A working girl - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Spanish Royal Courts: A working girl


A meeting last Thursday, April 28th was on Queen Letizia agenda. She attended a meeting of the Spanish Committee of Representatives of Disabled People (Cermi). The young woman of 43 years had made for it in Madrid headquarters of this entity. It represents the interests of over 3.8 million women and men with disabilities in Spain, with the aim to guarantee them equal opportunities, protect their rights and ensure that they are fully integrated into the society.

The Queen of Spain had adapted her look to the circumstances. No frills in her outfit. Letizia was not there to play the fashion plates but to work. So she had opted for familiar grey Hugo Boss trousers worn with a wide pleated white Hugo Boss blouse slightly transparent. Her hair slicked detached, showed off her Links of London Hope Egg earrings had granted this set in her black cape jacket Zara, Hugo Boss BOSS 'Bespoke' handbag, Magrit 'Mila' black leather pumps .

During this meeting, which she attended with the Secretary of State for Equality and Human Services Susana Camarero, Queen Letizia of Spain was able to learn all the values, objectives, activities and projects of Cermi .

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