The Japanese Imperiale and Royal Courts: Ceremony of the New Year - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Japanese Imperiale and Royal Courts: Ceremony of the New Year


In these first days of January, the Japanese imperial family gathered as usual around Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko.

The year 2016 started in Tokyo with the spread of Akihito family photo. Or rather three photos taken last November 15 and January 1 revealed that the whole Imperial Household Family. Sitting in front of a coffee table at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, the Japanese Emperor who has just turned 82 years poses alongside his wife Empress Michiko who was dressed in a traditional kimono, their sons H.I.H Crown Prince Naruhito and Prince Akishino, their spouses Crown Princess Masako and Princess Kiko, and their four grandchildren. While the little prince Hisahito, 9, animates the scene, changing position, his two older sisters T.I.H Princess Mako 24, and Kako, 21, and their cousin H.I.H Princess Aiko, 14, standing quietly lined up behind their parents and grandparents.

Last year, this annual photo shoot took place in the absence of Mako, who mysteriously was missing. We had learned  later during the year that the young woman was then in England, where she spent a year in discreetly as part of his studies.

On New Year, the Imperial Household hosed the annual New Years reception.

After the traditional ceremony of New Year at the Imperial Palace, the whole family  found, Saturday, January 2, to appear glazed balcony to greet the crowd of Japanese came to hear the speech of Emperor Akihito. As Crown Princess Masako, her two nieces Mako and Kako had chosen to dress in blue. The two sisters showed dresses with necklines and sleeves identical underlined with a line of small buttons. Both wearing a bun, the two women also wore identical pearl necklaces, earrings matching their oreilles.

On Monday, January 4, the Emperor of Japan presided over the opening of the session of Parliament.
Photo Credit: Paris Match

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