The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Invictus Games

The British Royal Courts: Invictus recaps *May 8th-11th *Missing post

When Prince Harry was offered orange shoes by the Dutch team, he had the shoes immediately. When a 7 year old child who lost a leg came to see him, he held him tightly in his arms. When the British paracyclist team member Jaco van Gass, winner of the cycling road race was held near him, he mimed biting into his gold medal. Surely, the younger son of Prince Charles and the late Princess Diana now an Army Officier lived the 2nd edition of its Invictus Games with all the informality, kindness and generosity that characterizes it.

We saw, applauded, encourage, congratulate, laughing, joking ... In the stands as the edge of courts, rinks or the pool, the grand-son of Queen Elizabeth II has not lost a beat competition which saw compete in ten disciplines 500 competitors from 14 different countries (not 15 as initially planned, the Iraqi team in the end that did not participate). Men and women, all were former soldiers now veterans, injured or disabled.

"The competition was fierce with the highest performance in a number of trials," said Harry at the closing ceremony this Thursday, May 12 Captain Wales continued: "But what inspired me was the courage to go to the start line, to go on the field or diving into the pool, motivated by the objective to give the best of yourself mêmes- medal or no medal. "

The Invictus Games was launched in London in September 2014 by Prince Harry, who has been particularly marked by his Army brothers and sisters in arms wounded when military himself, he was conducting missions in Afghanistan. This second edition took place from May 8th to 12th, 2016 in Orlando, Florida. The third is already announced. It will be held in September 2017 in Toronto, Canada.
May 8th

May 9th

May 10th

May 11th

La Cour Royale Anglais: Le gala avant la ceremonie ouveture officiel

Ils ont rencontré de retour à la fin Octobre ici à 2015 au cours de sa brève visite aux Etats-Unis pour promouvoir l'événement. Ils se sont retrouvés avec plaisir quand elle est venue à Londres le 22 Avril avec son mari le président Barack Obama. Puis elle a pris part aux défis de jeu sur Twitter Harry et sa grand-mère la reine Elizabeth II. Michelle Obama ne pouvait aux côtés du Prince Harry ce dimanche 8 mai quand il a ouvert officiellement la 2e édition des Jeux Invictus à ESPN Wide World of Sports, un complexe sportif situé dans le Walt Disney World Resort à Orlando en Floride.

Vêtu d'un ensemble pantalon noir , la première dame tomba littéralement dans les bras du capitaine du Pays de Galles tandis que sur scène lors de la cérémonie d'ouverture de ses Jeux Invictus. Prince Harry, qui a récemment partagé ses relations problématiques avec les femmes, a également compté sur la présence de l'acteur oscarisé Morgan Freeman, ainsi que celle de l'ancien président américain George W. Bush, est venu en compagnie de son épouse Laura.

Lancé à Londres en Septembre 2014, une idée du prince Harry, les Jeux Invictus, une sorte de Jeux Olympiques a joué dans dix disciplines en lice anciens hommes et femmes, qui ont été blessés dans le cadre de leur engagement à servir leur patrie militaires mis. La deuxième édition de la compétition aura lieu du 8 au 12 mai 2016 à Orlando, en Floride avec des équipes de 15 pays, dont la France. Le troisième est déjà annoncé. Elle aura lieu en 2017 à Toronto, Canada.
Photo Credits: Paris Match

The British Royal Courts: Invictus Games opening reception

They met back in late October 2015 during his brief visit to the United States to promote the event. They found themselves with pleasure when she came to London on April 22nd with her husband President Barack Obama. Then she took part in the game challenges on Twitter Harry and his grandmother Queen Elizabeth II. Michelle Obama could only alongside Prince Harry this Sunday, May 8th when he officially opened the 2nd edition of the Invictus Games at ESPN Wide World of Sports, a sports complex located in the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando Florida.

Dressed in black pants together, the First Lady literally fell into the arms of Captain Wales while on stage during the opening ceremony of its Invictus Games. Prince Harry, who recently shared his problematic relationships with women, had also counted on the presence of the Oscar-winning actor Morgan Freeman, as well as that of former US president George W. Bush, came in company his wife Laura.

Launched in London in September 2014 on an idea of ​​Prince Harry, the Invictus Games, a sort of Olympics played in ten disciplines vying put former military men and women, who were injured in the context of their commitment to serving their homeland. The second edition of the competition will take place from May 8 to 12, 2016 in Orlando, Florida with teams from 15 countries, including France. The third is already announced. It will be held in 2017 in Toronto, Canada.
Photo Credits: Paris Match




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