The Norwegian Royal Courts: Tourist on their first day in Italy - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Norwegian Royal Courts: Tourist on their first day in Italy


While they were on a state visit to Italy, Queen Sonja and King Harald V of Norway are offered a walk among the ancient ruins of the Roman Forum.

Her love for art is quite known to the world. It is therefore not surprising that Queen Sonja had managed to squeeze in a walk among the ruins of the Forum in the program of the state visit she performed alonngside her husband King Harald V in Rome these April 6th and 7th. This walk as much cultural tourism that has found a place in the schedule Thursday. Sonja was wearing the same outfit as the wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Monument to Victor Emmanuel II, which took place earlier. In this case a two-tone black and white set.

In the afternoon, the mother of two had changed, favoring a dress bedecked in shades of red, orange, fuchsia and black for receiving the royal couple hosted the President of the Republic Italy Sergio Mattarella at the Norwegian Embassy. This reception came after the State dinner hosted by Italian President at his Quirinale Palace the night before. For the occasion, the queen of Norway, who wore a purple evening dress bodice in lace and silver shoes, was adorned with a  Queen Maud's Pearl and Diamond Tiara to match her pin. During the day on Wednesday, she had worn a suit in succession the same red as the small tambourine who wore then a perforated white jacket over a bright yellow dress. Outfits ideal for chaining official meetings: welcoming ceremony and meeting with President Mattarella, accompanied by his daughter Laura -who acts as the first lady of the country-; lunch with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi; talks with President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Deputies.
Arrived on Tuesday 5 April in Rome, King Harald V and Queen Sonja of Norway conduct a state visit of three days in Italy. After two days in Rome, the royal couple went to Milan on Friday April 8th.

April 6th:
April 7th

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