The Belgian Royal Courts: Queen Mathilde and her 3D Structure - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Belgian Royal Courts: Queen Mathilde and her 3D Structure


Queen Mathilde of the Belgians was in Kortrijk on Tuesday. An opportunity where she was offered a golden double in 3D.
While a Flemish town located close to the French city of Roubaix and Tourcoing. The Belgian daily "Le Soir" said the wife of the King of the Belgians went there on the premises of Radio Quindo, media laboratory high school in West Flanders (Howest).

Queen Mathilde was able to attend a taping of the show Radio Respect. This initiative of some volunteers and social work students of the Flemish Community Radio Radio Quindo that accompanies since 2012 vulnerable youth, has been supported since last year by the Queen Mathilde Fund. Several members of the foundation also accompanied the Queen for this visit.

For the occasion, Mathilde dress navy blue pants with a red ripped Giorgio Armani jacket inside it was on a white top. The young 43 years Queen had accessorized this holding red shoes with white border and a blue and red pocket. She also opted for original red earring of the color of her jacket loops.

As usual, the Queen of the Belgians was offered a bouquet. But these flowers has added a gift, very original. The Director General of Howest offered Her Majesty with a 3D look alike golden figurine. And, of course, it was not without its queen's crown on the statuette designed and produced by sections Digital Arts and entertainment and industrial product design this high school
Photo Credit: Paris Match/

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