The Swedish Royal Courts: Princess Sofia visited Sophiahemmet - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Swedish Royal Courts: Princess Sofia visited Sophiahemmet


On the afternoon of Thursday March 31st, in a last official visit before baby no one comes, a very pregnant Princess Sofia who will soon be giving birth to the couple's first child, but it did not prevent the soon to be mother to continue working tirelessly for her patronage Sophiahemmet, visited its surgical wards. The Princess is Sophiahemmet honorary chairman.
She began with a review of the hospital structure and description of caregivers work fromCEO Peter Seger and chief medical officer January Zedenius accounted for presentations.

They then visited the surgical department where the department head Thomas Johansen, received the princess and got her to take part in activities at the ward.
Photo Credits: Kungahuset

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