The Luxembourg Ducal COurts: New Official Portraits of The Grand-Duchess - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Luxembourg Ducal COurts: New Official Portraits of The Grand-Duchess


On the occasion of her 60th birthday which will celebrated on March 22nd, The Ducal Palace release new portraits of the Grand Duchess.

© Cour grand-ducale/Sylvie Lancrenon/Cours Ducale

On Tuesday Grand Duchess Maria Teresa was a special guest Editor in Chief for the Luxembourg news paper Tageblatt, with a focus on microfinance and an active international role for women
 The Grand Duchess's editorial piece highlighted the role of women and girls in building a "culture of peace" that is "fondé sur l’éducation et le partage" ("based on education and sharing").

She is now working closely with the journalists and artists together and decides what is on Wednesday on the first page in the Diary.

At the first briefing she has been a participant. The suggested topics for the various headings are already on the table. The theme of the Grand Duchess is: microfinance.

Her Royal Highness the Grand Duchess gave a speech at the Lycée Technique du Centre on Wednesday morning. A speech after which the Grand Duchess met in small groups with students around themes such as immigration, refugees, the monarchy and specific language impairment.
© Jessica Bettendorff /Cour Ducale

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