The Monegasque Royal Courts: The 50th anniversary of the Prince's Carabinieri Orchestra - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Monegasque Royal Courts: The 50th anniversary of the Prince's Carabinieri Orchestra


An anniversary in music. Prince Albert II of Monaco with his sisters, Princess Caroline of Hanover and Princess Stephanie of Monaco celebrated on Wednesday March 16th, the 50th anniversary of the Prince's Carabinieri Orchestra.

This great concert was a chance to do a good deed, since the benefits of the evening should be donated to associations. The evening's partner, Kiwanis Cub of Monaco will provide a check to the Monegasque association Adrien working for the benefit of sick children. For his part, Prince's Carabinieri Orchestra wished to submit a check to the Baby and Nepal Association, presided by HSH Princess Stephanie of Monaco.
Photo Credits: PAris MAtch

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