The British Royal Courts: Prince Harry extends his visit to Nepal #HarryinNepal - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The British Royal Courts: Prince Harry extends his visit to Nepal #HarryinNepal


The younger Prince of Wales continued his visit the technical school Samo Thimi in Bhaktapur, company participation of the President of Bidhya Devi Bhandari country to a "top girls" in Kathmandu and meet with small wounded and burned in also children's hospital in the Nepalese capital.

His day ended with a reception at the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Kathmandu. At this, Harry gave what was to be his farewell speech in Nepal. Except that the prince was far from getting in the way of his return to London. The ex Military man said in effect, creating a real surprise among the audience, according to comments reported by the magazine "Hello!", "The people I met and the beauty of this country make it very hard to leave, "adding," Fortunately, however, I do not leave immediately "!

The British tabloid says Harry will indeed go to a village in the mountains of Nepal from the center to help volunteers of the NGO Team Rubicon embarked on a relief project after the earthquake of 2015. The young man of 31 years will help rebuild a school that was then destroyed to replace temporary makeshift classrooms before the harsh weather conditions of the season coming rainy. "I am so grateful to have the opportunity at the end of my official tour to do my small part to help this beautiful country," said the prince should return to England at the end of this March.

Prince Harry arrived in Nepal Saturday, March 19th as part of an official five-day trip. His visit took place Nepal on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Treaty of Sugauli, who signed in 1816, peace between Nepal and the British Empire. It also allowed the grand-son of the sovereign to see how the country rebuilds after the devastating earthquake of magnitude 7.8 occurred in Kathmandu in April 2015, which caused more than 9000 dead and over 23,000 injured. The prince also wished the media reach of his stay, offer a spotlight on the Nepalese people still affected by the disaster.
You can check his trips here: Prince Harry and the Five virgins, Prince Harry attend the Color Festival
Photo Credit: Paris Match

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