The Luxembourger Ducal Courts: The Ducal Family at the Vatican - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Luxembourger Ducal Courts: The Ducal Family at the Vatican


His Royal Highness Grand Duke Henri and his wife Her Royal Highness Grand Duchess Maria Teresa were this Monday, March 21st at the Vatican for an official visit. They were accompanied by the children(4 boys and 1 girl):Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Prince Félix,  Prince Louis, Princess Alexandra and Prince Sébastien, their daughter in laws:  Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie, Princess Claire(who turns 31 today), Princess Tessy and 3 grand children: Princess Amalia, Prince Gabriel, Prince Noah.

While at the Holy See, the Luxembourger Ducal Family were received by His Holiness Pope Francis for a private audience at Apostolic Palace. After the hearing the Grand Ducal family was able to visit St. Peter's Basilica through the "Porta Santa", open to the Jubilee of Mercy.
The Grand Duchess was dressed in a white ensemble, as it authorizes "white privilege" (in Italian, "privilegio del bianco") - a prerogative reserved to a handful of queens, princesses and duchesses Catholics, allowing at the hearings with the pope, wearing white robes and mantillas, usually reserved for the pope.
An other Royal Lady having this privilege du Blanc is HSH Princess Charlene of Monaco
Photo Credits: Place Royale

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