The Belgian Royal Courts: Easter Sunday Mass at the Vatican with Former King Albert and Queen Paola - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Belgian Royal Courts: Easter Sunday Mass at the Vatican with Former King Albert and Queen Paola


This Easter Sunday March 27th, Former Sovereign couple and parents of the current Belgians monarch King Philippe attended mass by His Holiness Pope Francis at St. Peter's Square in Rome. And they were well placed to capture the event. Before the service Former King Albert, lover of photography has not failed to perform a few shots with his camera, while Former Queen Paola did the same her smartphone .

After this outdoor religious service, His Holiness approached the royal couple to greet him. What he had done two days before the end of the torchlight procession of the Cross Good Friday which had led the Vatican to the Coliseum.

Albert II and Paola were also present in Rome on the previous Sunday March 20th for Palm Sunday Mass, celebrated at the same St Peter's Square by Pope Francis. The former queen of Italian origin wore a black lace mantilla over her white hair. As for the former king, he already had his camera in hand.
Photo Credit: Paris Match

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