The Danish Royal Courts: An Interview with Berlingske - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Danish Royal Courts: An Interview with Berlingske


It's a long interview that Crown Princess Mary of Denmark granted to the Danish newspaper "Berlingske". In the article, published on Saturday March 26th and shown several photographs showing the wife of Crown Prince Frederik,  where she was questioned about her humanitarian commitment.
The daughter in law to Queen Margrethe II, who received the Danish journalist Linda Kastrup at Amalienborg Palace in Copenhagen, talks in this interview his work for gender equality and protection of rights of women and girls, both at home and abroad. "From childhood, I have always had a keen sense of justice, and there are many injustices in the world," said Mary, adding that she is profoundly trouble with the unjust inequality between women and men . In support of his argument, it points out that violence against women and girls around the world is the crime against the rights of the most common man in 2016.
Both a patron of United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the Danish Refugee Council and Maternity Worldwide, the Australian-born princess says of her commitments: "It's exciting, rewarding and challenging work with these patronages. " Stressing that his interest grew over his commitment, she says: "The more I learned, the more the subject became more varied and interesting, and for the many years I worked on the rights of women and girls and gender equality, it became clear to me that the most important thing we can do to improve our world is gender equality and protection of rights of women and girls. "
Internal and external meetings with partners, speeches, travel preparations and travel themselves, the princess is fully participating in its humanitarian task, taking care to keep abreast of the news. "I was raised in the spirit of always give the best of myself and do my best, and I always try to do. And then I think my curiosity is my major driving force, "says Mary.
Photo: Linda Kastrup/Berlingske

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