Launch of AntiBulli - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

Launch of AntiBulli


Finish the tiaras and evening dress. It is in a casual look that the Crown Princess who arrived in a black Hugo Boss coat featuring leather pockets, her Cartier bracelet and a pair of Hartmanns diamond earrings, made her first solo engagement of the year, this Saturday, January 7th in the small town of Silkeborg, west of Aarhus.

Mary of Denmark wore a black tshirt, with the inscription in white letters "Antibulli". The name of the new project of her foundation, the Mary Fonden, which came for its launching. Addressing young Danish handball players between the ages of 6 and 12, Antibulli aims to promote greater tolerance and respect between these youngsters in the practice of their sport.

 And to better convey her message, the Australian born Crown Princess had invited a special guest. In addition to the children and coaches of the teams participating in this pilot project, Mary was with Mikkel Hansen. A danish handballers who plays in the Denmark handball national team -which won the gold this summer 2016 at the Olympic Games of Rio- and evolves since 2012 in the French club of Paris Saint-Germain Handball. The Palace pointed out that Antibulli had been developed in cooperation between Mary Fonden and MH24, the association of Mikkel Hansen against bullying.

Talking about sport, that same day in the evening sports was in for Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark who went to Herning, about forty kilometers from his wife's appointment. The awards were presented by Danmarks Radio, the Danish public radio and television station. The opportunity for the eldest son and heir to hand one of them to Pernille Blume for his Olympic performance. The 22-year-old swimmer reported, from the recent Rio Games, a gold medal and a team bronze.

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