The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Prince Palace

The Laureus Sports award ceremony

Often distant by their obligations, there was no question that they should pass that evening far from each other. On February 14th, the Sovereign Prince and Princess of Monaco celebrated their love with the sport giants they particularly loved during the Laureus Award ceremony.

Their Serene Highness Prince Albert II  and his wife Princess Charlene to spend together the evening of Valentine's Day with the sports personality. She had chosen for the occasion a sumptuous red dress by the stylist Caroline Herrera, and sported a finger on a new discreet and delightful ring. Three Cartier rings, one of which is paved with diamonds, symbolizing her three great loves: her husband, her children and sport.

In the hall of the sumptuous Palace of the Hermitage in Monaco, the princely couple, hand in hand, looked relaxed. As often as he can, the Prince joins there, ten minutes from the palace that so captures him, his wife and children who are staying there. The Princess prefers not to have to borrow several times a day, now that her twins frequent the principality's manger, this road, dangerous in winter, which winds its way to their property of Rocagel. And the Palace, still under construction, is not secure enough for Prince Jacques and his sister Princess Gabriella who are at the age when one runs and ventures everywhere.

Charlene, the South African, is breeding her cubs like a real lioness. She had also warned to want to free up her 2017 agenda to better devote herself to the first steps of her turbulent two-year-old twins: "an age so important that often condition the rest of life." But it was with her prince nonetheless that she wished to spend this evening celebrating love, even if to follow him in his obligations.
Photo Credits: Paris Match

The Festivies of Saint Sebastien(Patron Saint of the Carabinieri Company)

It is a beautiful surprise to see Pierre Casiraghi with his uncle Sovereign Prince H.S.H Prince Albert for the festivities of Saint Sebastien(patron saint of the Carabinieri Company) last Friday January 20th at the honour court of the Prince Palace. On this day when the Principality celebrates Saint Sebastian, Patron Saint of the Carabinieri Company.

Earlier in the morning, in the Cour d'Honneur of the Prince's Palace, the Superior Commander of the Public Force, Colonel Luc Fringant, proceeded to the ceremony of taking command of the Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince by Commander Gilles Convertini. At the end, they attended the traditional Mass in the Cathedral of Monaco.

The feast of San Sebastian was instituted in 1954 by Prince Rainier III(Prince Albert's father and Pierre's grandfather), is perpetuated every year within the Society of the Carabinieri of H.S.H the Sovereign Prince.

Twins Princess Gabriella and Hereditary Prince Jacques take part in the celebration from the balcony in their parents' arm

This Friday, January 27th, a pontifical Mass attended by Albert II and Charlène of Monaco was celebrated in the Cathedral of Monaco by Archbishop Bernard Barsi. Then the sovereign and his wife appeared on the balcony with their children, while the solemn procession of relics from the city arrived in front of the princely palace.

It is a beautiful surprise that Their Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco and Princess Charlène offered this Friday January 27th 2017 to the Monegasques. On this day when the Principality celebrates the Saint-Dévote, their patron saint, the princely couple appeared on the balcony of the Palace with their two year old twin children. Too cute in their gray coats - at the collar and sleeves lined with fur for the little girl - the twins took part for the first time in this religious festival which occupies a major place in the Monegasque calendar.

The hereditary prince Jacques was carried by mom Princess Charlene in an Akris coat, and elder twin princess Gabriella by papa prince Albert II. The two children also watched the ceremony that unfolded before their eyes through the balcony balusters.
Photo Credit: Prince Palace/Facebook

Saint Devote's Festivities

On Thursday evening, Their Serene Highness Prince Albert II and his wife Princess Charlène emblazoned the annual Sainte-Dévote's boat, as tradition demands.

Every January 27th the Monegasques celebrate their patron saint, Devote. And every year, the ceremonies begin the evening before, in the presence of the sovereign prince. This Thursday, January 26, at nightfall, Prince Albert II, accompanied by his wife Princess Charlene, was on the Albert I quay.

The princely couple signed the most spectacular act of this religious feast: the burning of the boat of Sainte-Dévote. This one recalls the frail boat that would have grounded, towards the year 304, on the shore of Monaco one January 27th. Inside was the body of a young saint-Devote- who had been martyred at Lucciana in Corsica.

Armed with a torch, Albert II and Charlène of Monaco - who just celebrated her 39th birthday - set fire to the symbolic boat, after the procession of the relics of the saint, followed by the Salute Of the Most Holy Sacrament in the church of Sainte-Dévote. Still too small to participate in such a religious ceremony, their adorable twins, two year old Hereditary prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella were not present
Photo Credits: Prince Palace/Monaco/Facebook




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