The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Monaco

The Laureus Sports award ceremony

Often distant by their obligations, there was no question that they should pass that evening far from each other. On February 14th, the Sovereign Prince and Princess of Monaco celebrated their love with the sport giants they particularly loved during the Laureus Award ceremony.

Their Serene Highness Prince Albert II  and his wife Princess Charlene to spend together the evening of Valentine's Day with the sports personality. She had chosen for the occasion a sumptuous red dress by the stylist Caroline Herrera, and sported a finger on a new discreet and delightful ring. Three Cartier rings, one of which is paved with diamonds, symbolizing her three great loves: her husband, her children and sport.

In the hall of the sumptuous Palace of the Hermitage in Monaco, the princely couple, hand in hand, looked relaxed. As often as he can, the Prince joins there, ten minutes from the palace that so captures him, his wife and children who are staying there. The Princess prefers not to have to borrow several times a day, now that her twins frequent the principality's manger, this road, dangerous in winter, which winds its way to their property of Rocagel. And the Palace, still under construction, is not secure enough for Prince Jacques and his sister Princess Gabriella who are at the age when one runs and ventures everywhere.

Charlene, the South African, is breeding her cubs like a real lioness. She had also warned to want to free up her 2017 agenda to better devote herself to the first steps of her turbulent two-year-old twins: "an age so important that often condition the rest of life." But it was with her prince nonetheless that she wished to spend this evening celebrating love, even if to follow him in his obligations.
Photo Credits: Paris Match

Festival de Cirque "Nouvelle Génération''

Pauline Ducruet, représentante de la nouvelle génération du Rocher. La fille de la Princesse Stéphanie de Monaco a présidé la 6e édition du Festival de Cirque "Nouvelle Génération" à Fontvieille, du vendredi 3 au dimanche 5 février.

Le Festival de la Nouvelle Génération est un concours pour les jeunes artistes de cirque en herbe - l'équivalent pour les débutants du Festival de Cirque International de Monte-Carlo créé en 2011, sous la présidence de la Princesse Stéphanie et donné à sa fille Pauline.

C'est le grand-père Prince Rainier qui a créé le Festival International du Cirque en 1974. Le jury de cette nouvelle édition du Festival de la Nouvelle Génération est présidé par Pauline.

Au cours du festival, Pauline a été assistée par sa famille: Stéphanie de Monaco, le frère Louis Ducruet (avec son compagnon Marie) et la jeune Camille Gottlieb qui ont également aidé à décerner les prix - le Junior d'Or, le Junior d'Argent ou le Junior De Bronze - sous le regard du prince Albert II.

Photo Credits: Paris Match

Monte-Carlos Circus "New Generation" Festival

Pauline Ducruet, representative of the Rocher's new generation. The daughter of Princess Stephanie of Monaco presided over the 6th edition of the Circus Festival "New Generation" at Fontvieille, from Friday 3rd through to Sunday February 5th.

The New Generation Festival is a competition for budding young circus artists - the equivalent for beginners of the Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival created in 2011, under the Presidency of Princess Stephanie and given to her daughter Pauline.

It was grand dad Prince Rainier who created the International Circus Festival in 1974. The jury of this new edition of the New Generation Festival is chaired by Pauline.

During the festival, Pauline was assisted by her family: Stéphanie de Monaco, brother Louis Ducruet (with his companion Marie) and younger Camille Gottlieb who also help in awarding the prizes - the Junior d'Or, the Junior d'Argent or the Junior of Bronze - under the gaze of Prince Albert II.

Photo Credits: Paris Match




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