The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Camille Gottlieb

Monte-Carlos Circus "New Generation" Festival

Pauline Ducruet, representative of the Rocher's new generation. The daughter of Princess Stephanie of Monaco presided over the 6th edition of the Circus Festival "New Generation" at Fontvieille, from Friday 3rd through to Sunday February 5th.

The New Generation Festival is a competition for budding young circus artists - the equivalent for beginners of the Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival created in 2011, under the Presidency of Princess Stephanie and given to her daughter Pauline.

It was grand dad Prince Rainier who created the International Circus Festival in 1974. The jury of this new edition of the New Generation Festival is chaired by Pauline.

During the festival, Pauline was assisted by her family: Stéphanie de Monaco, brother Louis Ducruet (with his companion Marie) and younger Camille Gottlieb who also help in awarding the prizes - the Junior d'Or, the Junior d'Argent or the Junior of Bronze - under the gaze of Prince Albert II.

Photo Credits: Paris Match

La princesse Stephanie et les trois mini acrobat russe

Comme pour les représentations précédentes, la Princesse Stéphanie de Monaco est entrée ce soir, le mardi 24 janvier 2017, sous la chapelle du 41ème Festival du Cirque de Monte-Carlo qui se tient chaque année dans le quartier Fontvieille du Rocher. Pour cette soirée de gala au cours de laquelle les prestigieux Clowns d'or, d'argent et de bronze et d'autres récompenses ont été remis aux artistes Circassiens, la petite sœur du Prince Albert II de Monaco a été accompagnée par ce dernier. A son côté aussi, son fils Louis Ducruet, qui est venu avec sa compagne Marie, et sa fille cadette Camille Gottlieb.

En images: Stéphanie de Monaco, week-end mère-fille au Cirque

Stéphanie qui est le président de l'occasion a été en charge de l'attribution de plusieurs des prix et n'a pas manqué de poser avec les heureux gagnants. Et en particulier avec les adorables acrobates russes du Trio Izhevsk, trop fêlés avec leur costume de point de polka et leurs tapis érigés au Fifi Brindacier. Les trois filles ont remporté la Coupe en mémoire de la princesse Antoinette (sœur du Prince Rainier III). Ce qui est donné au plus jeune artiste du festival.

Comme pour les représentations précédentes, la Princesse Stéphanie de Monaco est entrée hier soir le mardi 24 janvier 2017 pour cette soirée de gala au cours de laquelle les prestigieux clowns d'or, d'argent et de bronze et d'autres récompenses ont été remis aux artistes circassiens. Frère prince Albert II de Monaco, son fils Louis Ducruet, qui est venu avec son compagnon Marie, et sa fille cadette Camille Gottlieb.

Et en particulier aux adorables petits acrobates russes du Trio Izhevsk, trop fêlés avec leur costume de point de polka et leurs tapis érigés au Fifi Brindacier. Les trois filles ont remporté la Coupe en mémoire de la princesse Antoinette (sœur du Prince Rainier III) qui est remise au plus jeune artiste du festival. Stéphanie a transmis sa passion pour le cirque à ses enfants. Au point que Pauline Ducruet, sa fille aînée âgée de 22 ans, préside le jury international de «Nouvelle Génération», une compétition de cirque pour les jeunes artistes dont la 6ème édition aura lieu les 4 et 5 février sous la chapelle de Fontvieille à Monaco.
Photo Credits: Paris Match

Princess Stephanie is joined by family to meet three adorable russian acrobats

As with previous performances, Princess Stephanie of Monaco entered this evening on Tuesday, January 24, 2017, under the marquee of the 41st Monte-Carlo Circus Festival held every year in the nearby Fontvieille district Of the Rock. For this gala evening during which the prestigious Clowns of gold, silver and bronze and other awards were given to the Circassian artists, the little sister of Prince Albert II of Monaco was accompanied by the latter. At his side also, his son Louis Ducruet, who came with his companion Marie, and his youngest daughter Camille Gottlieb.

In pictures: Stéphanie de Monaco, a mother-daughter weekend at the Circus

Stéphanie who is President of the occasion was in charge of awarding several of the awards and did not fail to pose with the lucky winners. And in particular with the adorable little Russian acrobats of the Trio Izhevsk, too cracking with their polka dot costume and their mats erected at the Fifi Brindacier. The three girls won the Cup in memory of Princess Antoinette (sister of Prince Rainier III). Which is given to the youngest artist of the festival.

As with previous performances, Princess Stephanie of Monaco entered this evening on Tuesday, January 24th 2017, for this gala evening during which the prestigious Clowns of gold, silver and bronze and other awards were given to the Circassian artists, she was accompanied by her elder brother Prince Albert II of Monaco, his son Louis Ducruet, who came with his companion Marie, and her youngest daughter Camille Gottlieb.

 In pictures: Stéphanie de Monaco, a mother-daughter weekend at the Circus

And in particular to the adorable little Russian acrobats of the Trio Izhevsk, too cracking with their polka dot costume and their mats erected at the Fifi Brindacier. The three girls won the Cup in memory of Princess Antoinette (sister of Prince Rainier III) which is given to the youngest artist of the festival. Stéphanie passed on her passion for the circus to her children.  To the point that Pauline Ducruet, her eldest daughter aged 22, chairs as the international jury of "New Generation", a circus competition for young artists whose 6th edition will take place on February 4th and 5th under the marquee of Fontvieille at Monaco.
Photo Credits: Paris Match




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